Our Plan to Save the Rainforest

  • Raise Awareness

    Tell people about what is happening to the rainforest animals and how they are losing their habitats due to tree loss. We can go to public school events such as PTO meetings and try and raise awareness to students about this issue.
  • Petition

    Now that we have the student body's support, we can have them sign a petition to stop habitat reduction. This could take a few days.
  • Plan for funding

    Talk to different stores and see which will let us raise money there.
  • Confirmation

    Confirm which stores we will visit and raise money for WWF.
  • Raise Money

    Start to raise money at a store/mall for WWF. WWF is an organization trying to save the rainforest
  • Raise money

    Continue raise funds for WWF.
  • Write to leaders

    We can write to the government explaining our issue and tell them what we plan to do to help. We could ask them to talk to leading companies in housing that are cutting down these trees.
  • Take Action

    Assuming government has gotten written back, we talk to the companies and tell them exactly the harm they are doing. We can show them the petition and hopefully stop the habitat loss.