Okenfuss Timeline Assignment

  • Louis XVI Takes Power

    Louis XVI took power after his grandfather passed. He was not confident in his abilities to rule.
  • Declaration of Indepedence

    The United States declared their independence
  • French Enters War

    The French began to aid the American Revolutionaries in the war against Britian. A lot of money is lent, hurting France's economy.
  • War in America Ends

    The Revolutionary War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
  • Economic Crisis in France

    Around this time was the height of the economic turmoil in France. Bread prices were extremely high and agricultural success was at an all time low.
  • Meeting of Estates General

    An assembly of representatives from all three estates were set to meet in Versailles.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The delegates of the Third Estate pledged to create a new Constituition
  • The Fall of the Bastille

    A mob stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison, and seized control of the building
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    The National Assembly created and passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. This document was based off of many Enlightenment ideas.
  • Women Protest at Versailles

    Many women marched at Versailles to protest the Royal family. These women ran through the home of the king and queen, stabbing people and destroying their property.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Women

    This document seeked to give women of the time more rights than they were granted. It was written by Olympe de Gouge in the year 1791.
  • Louis VXI's death

    The former king was beheaded by the guillotine
  • King Louis Executed

    Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine.
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre was sentenced to death and beheaded by the guillotine
  • Robespierre Executed

    Robespierre was beheaded. This was the end of the reign of terror.
  • Napoleon Seizes Power

    Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the revolutionaries in control at the time.
  • Napoleon in Russia

    Through the winter of 1812, Napoleon led his troops through Russia. Because Russian Troops used the scorched earth policy, Napoleon's army suffered without resources.
  • Napoleon's Reign Ends

    Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, ending his reign.
  • Factory Act

    The Factory Act was created and passed. This ensured that children under the age of 9 could not be employed, and that inspectors must be present in factories.
  • Mines Act

    The Mines Act in Britian stopped women and children from working underground in hazardous conditions.
  • Working Hours Limited

    The workday for women and children was limited to 10 hours in Britain.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Abraham Lincoln ordered that slaves be freed in all of the rebel states.