Obsolete Items

  • Landlines

    Barely used today.
  • Blackberrys

    Keypads are less common now that we have touch screen. Now, they are typically used for work.
  • Alarm Clocks

    We have our phones for that. Plus we can customize our ringtones.
  • Dictionaries

    We barley use them today
  • CDs

    Now that records are making a comeback, CDs aren't really that in anymore.
  • Maps

    With all of the apps and other stuff we have today we don't really need maps because we have phones, and cars to tell you directions out loud.
  • Car Keys

    In the future, I'm sure we will have technology to start our cars etc....
  • Passwords

    Now that we have facial recognition and finger prints, we really don't need passwords
  • Paper

    As we get more and more comfortable with technology, paper might just go obsolete within the next 5-10 years
  • Calculators

    Another thing that is typically more advanced on our phone.