5 my life


By BT3078
  • Graduation!

    Graduation day! I hope to graduate being on the A honor roll! I also hope to be in the top ten of my class.
  • College!

    For college I hope to attend SDSU for nursing. I hope to be able to internships throughout my college career. The costs for SDSU will be high by that time, but I hope to have a job that year and my parents will pay for most.
  • College Graduation!

    College Graduation!
    Through my college years i hope tomaintain a good GPA and do very well. I also hope to intership at some hospitals adn get first hand what the jobs are like. I also hope to find out where I want to live and move there.
  • First Day of Work!

    First Day of Work!
    My first day of work i hope to be living in Souix Falls adn working at Sanfords or Avera. I hope to be making around 20$ adn hour. I hope to be working with my cousin and possibly moving to Montana.
  • Graduate School

    Graduate School
    I hope to be attending Graduate school adn starting my first job at this time. I want to attend graduate school because I think that it will help me in the future.
  • Promotion

    I hope to step up and be making about 30$ an hour by this time. I also want to be able to work in wider ranges of the hospital.
  • Moving

    I hope to move to Montana to live on a ranch.I choose Montana because I went there when i was younger adn loved it. I hope to live on a ranch and continue to work in the hospital.
  • Retirement

    When I retire i hope to be living in Montana. I also hope that I will be able to travel the world and have fun. I also plan to be able to have enough money that I can live happily.