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    Sumerian Stamp Seal

    In the early civilizations they used this seal for many uses. They could be used for signatures or on jewelry. It is a cylednder that is ingraved with pitures or letters they are usually an inch thick. You use them by rolling the cylinder on the stone or clay.
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    Phoenician alphabet

    Proto-Canaanite alphabet is what this is called. It's older than 1200 B.C.E. This became one of the most largly used types of writing at its time.
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    Semitic alphabet in Egypt

    <1900-1800 B.C.

    This was one of the first found alphebet. It came from Egypt. It was first found on a slab of natural lime stone. This form of lettering some how reflects in almost every alphebet.
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    Sumerian Word system on clay like slabs

    This is one of the earliest known writings. It is wedge-shaped ettchings on a clay like slab. This system of writing became source of pictoghraphs.
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    Egyptian papyrus scrolls

    This is a thin paper like materical made out of plants such as the pith of the papyrus plant. People in Epgypt to use as writing scrolls. Eventhough the scroll was mainly found in Egypt they were found in the Medditarainian
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    Chinese paper

    Actually in 150 A.D.
  • Jan 28, 1450

    Gutenberg press

    The Gutrnburg Press is a large stamp. This specific stamp is used for printing papers, or news papers. It was created by Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden Gutenberg. He was a German blacksmith, printer, goldsmith, and publisher.
  • Apr 1, 1500

    Italian gazettes

  • Apr 1, 1517

    Martin Luther nails “Ninety Five Theses” to church door in Wittenberg, Germany

  • Apr 1, 1534

    first press in America (Spanish America)

  • First newspapers in Europe

  • Dutch Coranto (printed in English in 1620)

  • Puritans establish Cambridge Press

  • Ben Harris prints first Colonial newspaper [Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign andDomestic] in Boston

  • James Franklin exercises the privilege of editorial independence (The New EnglandCourant)

  • Saturday Evening Post founded

    Saturday Evening Post founded
    This Post was an American icon. The special thing about this post is that the author drew beautiful art on the cover. This also cause it to spreed faster. This was founded by Benjiman Franklin and ended when he died 30 years later.
  • First African-American newspaper in U.S.: Freedom’s Journal

    First African-American newspaper in U.S.: Freedom’s Journal
    The first African-American newspaper in the U.S. was also called the freedom journal. Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwurm were the owners and some of the authors of this post. It was published weekly in New York. The News paper ended in !829 becasue the owners gave it to the more popular post The Rights of All.
  • Sara Josepha Hale, women’s magazine pioneer [Ladies’ Magazine]

    Sara Josepha Hale, women’s magazine pioneer [Ladies’ Magazine]
    The owner Sarah Hales was born in New Hampshire on the family farm in 1788. During this time women had very little rights so starting a newspaper was very daring. A cool fact about her is that recived very little education even though she was a big part of this magazine. She married her husband and when he died she started working a this magazine.
  • Wikipidia launches

    Wikipidia launches
    Wikipedia is online, free encylopedia. It can be edited by the public, causeing it to not be the best with true facts. It was ranked 6ths in the world. It is the most popular and largest refrences.
  • First IPod

    First IPod
    The first iPod was released October 23 2001. The Ipod was one of the first Apple product ever created. An iPod is a handy was to listen tomusic adn it is so small you can even fit it in your pocket!!!!!!!
  • Stumbleupon Begins

    Stumbleupon Begins
    A website that suggests web content to other users! This is also known as discover engine.
  • Friendster launches

    Friendster launches
    This is a local gaming site that can give you free video games to play anywhere any time!!!
  • Technoralty goes live

    Technoralty goes live
    Technoraty is actually a blog site.
  • Linkedln Begins

    Linkedln Begins
  • Wordpress is realeased

    Wordpress is realeased
  • Myspace is released

    Myspace is released
  • Gmail is created

    Gmail is created
    Gamil is a free way to cenect with friends. At first this used to be for the high class people and you would have to invite people into having a gmail. Now everyonr hads it. You can email anyone in the entire world as long as you know their username.
  • Facebook created

    Facebook created
    Facebook is a cool way to stay connected with friends!!!!! You can post anything from comments to thoughts to pictures.
  • Flickr is launched

    Flickr is launched
  • Yelp Begins

    Yelp Begins
    Yelp is an online website that gives you information on things like local resturants and other fun things like that.
  • YouTube begins!!!!

    YouTube begins!!!!
    YouTube is a super fun way to see videos. On YouTube what you can find is videos that people like you post!!!! A post is not like a blog but a video. On Youtube itself you can get all kinds of videos!!!!!!!!!! From tutorials to vlogs to viral videos. You can get all you need!!!
  • Twitter starts

    Twitter starts
    Have random thoughts? Join twitter!!! Twitter is a fun way to spread and share your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • WikiLeaks begins

    WikiLeaks begins
    Wkileaks is a nonprofit organisation that leaks new information. This is an international website that publishes in secrent and anonomous. It started in Iceland in 2006.
  • Mac Desktop created

    Mac Desktop created
    In 2007 the first mac besktop was made. A desktop is a computer that is too big to carrie around with you. These had a tinier screen and a large back much different from now.
  • Mac Book Air was created

    Mac Book Air was created
    Is a very fun and cool laptop. It gots it's name becuase of it's air like weight.
  • IPad

  • Instagram founded

    Instagram founded
    Instagram is a very fun and cool way to share fun photos with friends. You can take photo's and costumize them with cool filters and photo's. You can comment on peoples photo's and like them and follow as many people as you want!!! With resent updates you can send photo's to all of your friends.
  • Mac Book Pro

    Mac Book Pro
    In 2010 the Mac book air was created. The mac book pro was created in 2011. This super awesome laptop is super awesome because of how it is like a desktop but travel size!!!!
  • Mac

    The new desktop came out this time with a touch pad mouse. It also had way more fun effects on photo booth. With this you can now and forever be a chimpmuck.
  • Apple TV

    Apple TV
    The Apple tv was created. Now you can watch everything on your Iphone. You can also play music through your television!!!!
  • Mac Book pro

    Mac Book pro
    The new version of mac book pro was created this time with retna display.