The middle ages

  • 500

    The roman Empire fell

    The roman Empire fell
    Holy roman Empire
    The Holy roman Empire fell in the start of The miiddle ages.
    Michael posey
  • Period: 500 to Jan 15, 1500

    The middle Ages Time period

  • 570

    Muhammad prophet is born

    Muhammad prophet is born
    Muhammad ws born
    Muhammad was born.And once he was born people thought that he was restore islam.
    Michael Posey
  • Aug 20, 732

    Battle of tours

    Battle of tours
    Battle of tours
    The battle of tours was a gigaant battle over land aganist the franks and the musliams Michael Posey
  • Sep 23, 1096

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The crudades happend
    The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages.

    Michael posey
  • Dec 20, 1215

    King John

    King John
    Signing the magna carta
    King john signed the magna carta.The magna carta is a signed document that stated that the king had to listen to the rules of the document.
    Michael posey
  • Dec 6, 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    More About the black death
    The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people and peaking in Europe in the years 1346–53. Michael Posey Michael posey
  • Period: Nov 17, 1348 to Nov 17, 1350

    The black Death time period

  • Period: Nov 19, 1348 to Dec 16, 1350

    The black Death

  • May 19, 1444


    The Renaissance
    The renaissance is a French word meaning RE-BIRTH.It was an age of growth in Europe. New, powerful city states emerged.
  • Sep 24, 1482

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    The Last supper
    The last Supper was painted by Leoarndo Di Vinci the reason it was creatued is show art in the church of Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza.
  • Charelmagne ruled

    Charelmagne ruled
    charlemagne rules
    Charlemagne also known as charles the great was the king of franks and then he turned into the holy roman empire. The franks were germanic tribes that is now a days France. Michael Posey
  • Alfred the great turns back Viking invaders

    Alfred the great turns back Viking invaders
    Alfred the great turns down the vikings
    Alfread the great was the king of england.And the vikings tried to invade the land of england but he stoped them and turned them down Michael Posey