37563 btk9jm

Medieval Europe

  • 380

    Christianity is the main religion of the roman empire

    Christianity is the main religion of the roman empire
  • 400

    Romans begin to lose control of their empire

    Romans begin to lose control of their empire
  • 476

    End of Rome's western empire

  • Period: 500 to 1000

    The early middle ages

  • 570

    Birth of Mohammed

  • 590

    Gregory becomes pope

    Gregory becomes pope
  • 622

    Mohammed becomes a religious leader

  • 768

    Charlemagne becomes king of the Franks

  • 800

    Charlemagne is the most powerful European ruler

  • Period: 800 to 1000

    The viking era

  • 1054

    Creation of orthodox church

  • 1066

    William the conqueror gains power in England