Medical Investigations

  • 200

    Galen Tracheotomy

    Galen Tracheotomy
    Galen clarified the anatomy of the trachea and was the first to demonstrate that the larynx generates the voice.
  • Period: 200 to

    History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 10, 700

    Barber Surgeons

    Barber Surgeons
    Barber Surgeons performed surgery to treat cataracts, amputated limbs, and burned stumps to seal blood vessels. They also practiced phlebotomy, or bloodletting.
  • Sep 10, 1300

    Islamic hospitals: health care for the sick

    Islamic hospitals: health care for the sick
    The Islams believed in a god that would cure their sicknesses, but around the ninth century, they began a system of medicine based on scientific analysis.
  • Sep 10, 1400

    Fenchwomen Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied

    Fenchwomen Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied
    Women were not wanted to be doctors, only nurses in her time and she went behind their backs and ended up curing many people that the actual doctors couldnt cure.
  • Sep 10, 1500

    Dioscorides discovers importanc of plants in medicine

    Dioscorides discovers importanc of plants in medicine
    He wrote about how important medicinal plants were for healing, and he documented some of the plants and gave their uses.
  • Period: to


  • Use of scientific method begins

    Use of scientific method begins
    The history of scientifin method is a history of methodology of scinetific inquiry which came to the fore in the early 19th century
  • Robert Hook- reflective microscope

    Hook published a book called micrographia telling about his microscope experiances
  • Antonie van leeuwenhoek describes bacteria

    Antonie van leeuwenhoek describes bacteria
    Worked to find out how cells work and discovered bacteria.
  • Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague flies

    Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague flies
    Comes from rodents and flies and when people become infected they live about three days.
  • Edward Jenner discovered 1st vaccination

    Edward Jenner discovered 1st  vaccination
    He was an english physysict that discovered the first small pox vaccine. He is called the father on immunology.
  • Period: to

    Industrail Revolution

  • Louis Pasteur (microbiology) pasteurization of milk

    French chemist and microbiologist. Discovered principles of pasterurization.
  • Joseph Lister- practice of medical asepsis

    He promoted the idea of sterile surgery.
  • Robert Koch- discovery of pathogens

    Robert Koch- discovery of pathogens
    Made key discoveries in public health. Was a pioneering microbiologist. His research led to the discovery of dangerous pathogens.
  • Ignaz Semmelwies shows importance of hand washing

    Ignaz Semmelwies shows importance of hand washing
    Pioneer of antiseptic procedures.Discovered incidence could be cut down by the use of hand washing.
  • John Snow stops outbreak of Cholera

    John Snow stops outbreak of Cholera
    Wanted to use medical hygeine and antiseptics.Called father of epidimology because he stopped the Cholera outbreak.
  • Marie Curie discovers science of radioactivity

    Conducted pioneering research on radioactivity.
  • Bubonic plague hits San Fransisco

    Usually spread from the bite of an infected flea
  • Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
    His best-known discovery is penicillin. He wrote many articles for the medical field.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • First HMO insurance

    Blue cross established the first HMO insurance.
  • Salk discovers polio vaccine

    Salk discovers polio vaccine
    The first polio vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk through the use of HeLa cells and first tested in 1952.
  • WHO declares smallpox eradicated

    WHO declares smallpox eradicated
    In 1980 WHO declared small pox gone after the people had been cured and vaccinated.
  • Managed health care: growth in uninsured

  • AZT is used to combat AIDS

    AZT is used to combat AIDS
    AZT was the first breakthrough in AIDS therapy.
  • Steve Thomas used sterile maggots for infectious would treatment

    Steve Thomas used sterile maggots for infectious would treatment
    Sterile maggots can be used to treat and heal infected wounds.
  • Gardasil, a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer approved by the FDA

    Gardasil, a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer approved by the FDA
    Gardasil is a vaccine for use in the prevention of cervical cancer and is given to young girls.
  • Rhazes Discovered Difference between smallpox and measles

    Rhazes Discovered Difference between smallpox and measles
    He considered himself a Persian version of Hippocrates. He was the first human in history who described in detail the symptoms and signs of small pox and measles.