Blood donating1

History of Blood Timeline

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    Aristotle C. 350 BCE

    Aristotle C. 350 BCE
    Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, assumed that the heart was the center organ of the body. He then concluded from his animal dissections and observances that humans also have a heart with three chambers.
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    Galen c. 130 CE - 200 CE

    Galen c. 130 CE - 200 CE
    He is known as a key factor in physcians throughout history, next to Hippocrates in influence. Because he dissected animals, he was able to figure out that arteries contain blood but are different to veins.
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    Herophilus c. 300 BCE

    Herophilus c. 300 BCE
    Herophilus of Chalcedon was one of the first few Greek anatomists to dissect on a dead body. He found that arteries carry blood and are thicker than veins.
  • Hieronymus Fabricius

    Hieronymus Fabricius
    Scientist from Padua establishes his work onto "ON THE VALVES IN VEINS". The first drawings of vein valves are on there.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    This British physician conducted a book that was in Latin which translated into English means "Anatomical treatise on the motion of the heart and blood in animals". He explained that blood circulates throughout the body and is pumped from the heart.
  • Jan Swammerdam

    Jan Swammerdam
    Dutch microscopist, Swammerdam is believed to be the first person able to provide description of and observance of red blood cells.
  • Marcello Malpighi

    Marcello Malpighi
    With a rudimentary microscope, he observesd the capillary system. They consist of fine vessels that connect the arteries and the veins.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    He provides more of a detailed description of red blood cells. He mentions that they are 25,000 times smaller than a fine grain of sand."
  • William Hewson

    William Hewson
    Brititsh anatomist Hewson created a book called An Inquiry Into the Nature and Properties of the Blood. It had detailed information about his researc of blood coagulation with his success at seperating clotting and a substance from plasma.
  • Philip Syng Physick

    Philip Syng Physick
    This Philadelphian conducted the first human-to-human blood transfusion. His work was not publicly published, but was rather a footnote in a medicaljournal.
  • James Blundell

    James Blundell
    This British obstetrician and physiologist had performed the first ever credited human-to-human blood transfusion. He injected an internally bleeding patient with several ounces of blood from donators using a syringe.
  • Sir William Osler

    Sir William Osler
    He noticed that small cell fragments from the bone marrow make up most of the clots formed in blood vessels. It was later defined as platelets.
  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl Landsteiner
    This Austrian physician discovered the main types of human blood which were A, B, and O. He also found out that 2 different antibodies are need to cause agglutination.
  • Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli

    Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli
    Colleagues of Dr.Landsteiner, they found a 4th blood group called AB. It creates agglutination in red cells of groups "A" and "B."
  • Dr. Richard Lewisohn

    Dr. Richard Lewisohn
    He formulated the best concentration of sodium citrate that can be mixed with donor blood to prevent coagulation. It also did not harm the patient in any way.
  • Francis Peyton Rous and J.R. Turner

    Francis Peyton Rous and J.R. Turner
    They made a citrate-glucose solution which lets blood to be stored for a few weeks after collected and still remain viable for transfusion.
  • Oswald Robertson

    Oswald Robertson
    Dr. Oswald Robertson also uses citrate-glucose solution with the casualities during the Battle of Cambrai in World War I. That makes him the first to create a blood depot.
  • Percy Lane Oliver

    Percy Lane Oliver
    Percy Lane Oliver created a blood donating area within his home. He also had volunteers to help him and go to local hospitals to give blood.
  • Serge Yudin

    Serge Yudin
    In Moscow, at the Sklifosovsky Institute, he was the first one able to transfuse blood from a dead person into a living body.
  • Norman Bethune

    Norman Bethune
    This Canadian surgeon who was a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War assembled a mobile blood service in Madrid. It was called the Spanish-Canadian Blood Transfusion Institute.
  • Philip Levine and R.E. Stetson

    Philip Levine and R.E. Stetson
    Both found out that there was an unknown antibody that later produced a hemolytic disease from the father. Blood diseases can be transfered.
  • Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener

    Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener
    Drs. Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener discovered a new blood group, the Rh blood group. And by experimenting with red blood cells of Rhesus monkeys, they identified the antibody Levine and Steston discovered which is called the anti-Rh.
  • Edwin Cohn

    Edwin Cohn
    While looking for good subsitute for blood, he invented a method take apart plasma's proteins by mixing it with solvent ethyl alcohol and centrifuged.
  • Isidor Ravdin

    Isidor Ravdin
    The Philadelphia surgeon treatec victims of the Pearl Harbor attack successfully with albumin that brings higher blood volume.
  • American Association of Blood Banks

    American Association of Blood Banks
    Community blood banks formed a national network of blood banks named American Association of Blood Banks that was similiar to Red Cross
  • Carl W. Walter

    Carl W. Walter
    As a doctor, he developed a new way to stroe blood instead of glass test tubes that were able to get contaminated easily. The plastic cotainer was a major impact in blood collection.
  • Max Perutz

    Max Perutz
    This doctor used X-ray crystallography to destruct hemaglobin and that is what carries oxygyen to blood.
  • Judith Pool

    Judith Pool
    She discovered that frozen and thawwed plasma has a bigger clotting power than plasm. it is given to hemophiliacs in order to stop bleeding.
  • Elliot Richardson

    Elliot Richardson
    As the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, he had to regulate the blood banking industry from the Food and Drug Administration to the Division of Biologics.
  • Baruch Blumberg

    Baruch Blumberg
    Doctor from the National Institutes of Health finds something on the hepatitis B virus that somehow triggers antibodies to be produced. That discovery leads to a mandatory test to find out who is infected.
  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

    Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
    The first findings of Gay-related Immunodeficiency Disease is very common among gay men. It was later changed to AIDS.
  • Luc Montagnier

    Luc Montagnier
    He and researchers at the Institut Pasteur find the virus that isolates AIDS. They call it the lymphadenopathy-associated virus.
  • Robert Gallo

    Robert Gallo
    He links the cause to the virus of AIDS, and refers to it as Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus.
  • ELISA Test

    ELISA Test
    Once countless people were inffected with AIDS, the government allows a test to screen HIV antibodies. Globally, it is adopted by American blood banks and plasma centers.
  • Tests needed to scan diseases in donated blood

    Tests needed to scan diseases in donated blood
    The two tests that look for evidence of indirect hepatitis are the anti-HTLV-I and hepatitis C test, the HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies test, HIV p24 antigen test, and Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing. All locate viruses such as HCV and HIV.