medical history timeline

  • 400

    Began the study of disease- Greeks

    400 B.C.E.
  • 400

    Used herbal medicine during the dark and middle ages

    400-1400 AD
  • 500

    Earliest people to keep accurte records were Egyptians

    3500- 500 B.C.E.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Renaissance was the rebirth of science

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Medical schools were built

    1400-1650 AD
  • first wheel chair invented

  • William Harvey described the circulation of blood

  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope
  • John Mayow invented iron lung Respirator

    John Mayow invented iron lung Respirator
  • Polish- Ottoman War

    through 1676. War a war between Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth adn the Ottoman Empire.
  • Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first ercury thermometer

    Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first ercury thermometer
  • Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals

    Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
  • Baron Dominiquie Larrey created the first army medical car

  • Edward Jenner invented the vaccination for smallpox

  • John Adams becomes President

  • Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope

  • Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman doctor to get into nurisng school

  • Walter Hunt patened Safety pin

    Walter Hunt patened Safety pin
  • Florence Nightingale started the first school of nursing

  • Abraham Lincoln became President

  • Louis Pasteur began pasteurizing milk

    Louis Pasteur began pasteurizing milk
  • Joseph Lister was the first to use antiseptic during surgery

  • Clara Barton founded American Red Cross

    Clara Barton founded American Red Cross
  • William Roentgen discovered x-rays

  • Dr. vanghetti invented a artifical limb

    Dr. vanghetti invented a artifical limb
  • Marie Curie isolated radium

  • Elmer v McColium and M. Davis discoverd Vitamin A

    1912-1914 discoverd Vitamin A
  • Mexican border period

    through April 5, 1917
  • World War I

    through November 11, 1918
  • Earle Dickson invented Band-Aid

    Earle Dickson invented Band-Aid
  • Insulin first used to treat Diabetes

  • Band-Aids where machine made

  • Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin

  • World War II

    thorugh Decemeber 31, 1946
  • Jonas Salk developed polko vaccine

    Jonas Salk developed polko vaccine
  • Christian Barnard performed the first heart transplant surgery

    Christian Barnard performed the first heart transplant surgery
  • first vaccine devoloped for chicken pox

  • Dr Damadian constructed first whole body MRI scanner

  • Spanish-American war

    through July 4, 1902
  • Egyptians identified specific disease

    3500-500 B.C.E.