
Medical History by: Ashley St. Aubin-Clark 5th hour

  • 400

    STart of Dark Ages

    All medical advancements were haulted for the next 1000 years
  • 400

    Greeks (400 BCE)

    Studied the idea of disease and relized there was more than just because the gods cursed you that people got sick.
  • Jan 1, 1096

    Start of the First Crusades

  • Jan 1, 1348

    Peak of the Black Plague in Europe

  • Jan 1, 1450

    Printing Press

    In 1450 Johannes Gutenberg made his first printing press.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean to the America's

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Leonardo da Vinci drawings

    Leonardo da Vinci drawings
    Leonardo da Vinci used dissections to truely study the body and he drew in depth pictures of the muscles and organs.
  • First Microscope

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope and was the first person to see bacteria.
  • First Mercury Thermometer

    Gabriel Farenheit invented the first mercury thermometer
  • Colds are spread

    BenFranklin discovered the common cold is spread from person to person it is not caught from getting cold outside.
  • Start of American Revolutionary War

  • Biofocals created

    Ben Franklin created biofocals
  • Smallpox Vaccine

    Smallpox Vaccine
    Edward Jenner discovered the vaccine for smallpox after his dairymaid had cowpox. Smallpox no longer exists in the World because of the vaccine.
  • Dorthea Dix

    Dorthea Dix was one of the most influential reformes in the treatment of women and the mentally handicapped.
  • Stethoscope Invented

    Rene Laennec invented the stethoschope.
  • Hand washing Instituted

    Ignas Semmelweiss identified the case of maternal infectionsand instituted hand washing. Many newborns died because of infection from dirty hands.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell

    Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the US
  • Pattern of Heredity

    Pattern of Heredity
    Gregor Mandel establised the patterns of heredity.
  • First Nursing School

    First Nursing School
    Florence Nightingale opened the first nursing school during the Crimean WAr and made nursing an honorable profession.
  • Pasteurization of Milk

    Louis Pasteur started the pasteurization of milk to kill bacteria
  • Antiseptic Used

    Joesph Lister realized that antiseptic should be used during surgery and clen tools so that infections would be prevented
  • American Red Cross

    American Red Cross
    Clara Barton started the American REd Cross which helped the war effort in setting up wartime hospitals.
  • Culture Plates

    Robert Koch developed culture plate method to identify pathogens.
  • Rabies Vaccine proven

    The rabies vaccine saved a little boy after a dog bite. Louis Pasteur had invented the vaccine.
  • X-Ray Discovery

    X-Ray Discovery
    William Roentgen took the first x-ray of his wifes hand and noticed which materials you could see thorugh and which ones you could not.
  • First Model T made by Henry Ford

  • Isolation of Radium

    Isolation of Radium
    Marie Curie was first sucessful in isolateing radium in 1910 and later recieved a Nobel Prize for it.
  • Penicillin discovered

    Alexander Fleming discovered penicilllin, the first antibiotic. This was considered one of the most important discoveries in the twentieth century.
  • Penicillin Discovery

    Penicillin Discovery
    After finding that humans have something in their mucus that kills bacteria Sir Alexander Fleming started work on finding the "Wonder Drug" Penicillin has become a life saving drug.
  • Stock Market crash

    The stock Market crash lead to a ten year long depresion.
  • Start of the Cold War

  • Altered Polio Virus Vaccine

    Jonas Salk discovered an altered Polio Virus Vaccine.
  • Oral Polio VAccine

    Albert Sabin created the oral polio vaccine, which was more effective than Salk's vaccin
  • First Heart transplant

    Chistian Barnard was the first doctor to perform a heart transplant
  • First in vitro fertilization

    Louis Brown was the first "test tube" baby born.
  • AIDS epidemic in America

    Aids was and epidemic in America 10 years or so ago but is no longer a large scale issue due to education
  • Small pox eradicated

    The world health assembly announced that small pox had been eradicated form the world.
  • Gene Therapy

    The insertion of genes into an individual's cells and tissues to treat a disease, hereditary desease in particular.
  • Dolly the Sheep

    Tissue Cloning was created. It's the process of creating an identical copy of an original.
  • Animal guts used as suture

    Rhazes, an arab physician used animal gut as suture material.