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Medical Advancements of the 21st Century

By Berga20
  • Human genome project

    Human genome project
    The human genome project was an international scientific research program with a goal that was to complete mapping and understanding of all genes in the human body. This was started in 1990 and was still being used in 2003. Alfred Sturtevant created the first gene map in 1911 but was discovered by Francis Crick and James Watson in 1953.
  • Artificial Heart

    Artificial Heart
    An artificial heart is a device that replaces the heart. This is used to typically bridge the time until a heart transplantation, this is also implanted into the body to replace the original biological heart. Paul Winchell is the man who invented the artificial heart. The first implant was in 1969 and since then the globe has developed 13 different artificial heart designs that have been used in patients.
  • 23 and me

    23 and me
    23andme is used to determine the exact sequencing of a certain length of DNA. 23andme uses genotyping to analyze your DNA. This recommends your nutritional needs, fitness regimen, genetic health risks, vitamin deficiencies, and weight, managements. 23andme just wants to lead patients to a healthier lifestyle. The test are about 69-99 dollars. There were three founders of 23andme, Anna Wojcicki, Linda Avey, and Paul Cusenza. 23and me was first getting used in April 2006.
  • Bionic Prosthetics

    Bionic Prosthetics
    Bionic Prosthetic's are tiny sensors that are surgically placed in their residual muscle tissue.The bionic prosthetic's was created by a team of five bio-engineers at the Margaret Rose Hospital in Edinburgh.In 1993 Robert was given the worlds first bionic arm.In 2007,unveiled the worlds first fully articulation bionic hand.An example of a bionic hand is the out chassis consists of lightweight aluminum that can be covered in a skin-line material that matches the wearer’s natural skin tone.
  • Health Tracking Apps

    Health Tracking Apps
    An example for a health tracking app is a fitbit. A fitbit is a software that encourages you to be more active, eat a more well-rounded diet, sleep better, this all done to be a healthier human being. The company started up in 2007. The founders of the fitbit was James Park and Eric Fridman. This technology makes us take control of our health and pushes ourselves to new limits.
  • Vaccinations

    A vaccination is a treatment containing a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease. Vaccinations play an important role in keeping humans healthy. They protect us from serious or even deadly diseases. Edward Jenner, was the founder of vaccinations and used them for the first time in 1798. Due to this invention people may now receive vaccines from their family doctor or any local clinic.
  • Facial Transplant

    Facial Transplant
    A facial transplant is a medical procedure to replace all or part of a human’s face using tissue from a donor. The first partial face transplant took place in France on November 27, 2005. The first full face transplant was completed in Spain in 2010. This surgery can integrate many different functional components. Jean-Michel Dubernard and professor Bernard Devauchelle are from Fance and these two men led the team to do the first face transplant.
  • Augmented reality in medicine

    Augmented reality in medicine
    Augmented reality in medicine is technology that at the very least this allows for accessing information without having to look away from the operating field. Augmented reality has made a huge impact in surgery, education of future doctors, diagnostics, and decrees detection. This helps make medicine better and soon or later this high technology may be able to do a surgery on its own. Morton Heilig was the founder of this.
  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    Stem cells are a distinguished from other cell types by two important characteristics. James Till and Ernset McCulloch are who discovered the Stem cells. The stem cell is different this all the other cells in the human body. The stem cell has three general properties they are, capable of diving and renewing themselves for a long period of time, they are unspecialized, and they can give rise to specialized cell types.
  • Nano medicine

    Nano medicine
    Nanomedicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the use of nanotechnology. This is used for treatment, diagnosis, monitoring, and control of biological systems. Nanomedicine was first used in 1959 by Richard Feynman. The first generation nanomedical capabilities was in the form of functionalized nanoparticles with comprising a wide rang of use and since 1990’s has grown dramatically rapid expansion.