Med 1 block 5

  • Period: 200 to Dec 31, 1399

    Middle Ages

  • Aug 31, 900


    discovered difference between measles and small pox.
  • Sep 7, 931

    Hospital Training

    by 931 AD large hospitals were involved in training and licensing doctors and pharmacists.
  • Sep 7, 1030

    Laws of medicine

    Laws of medicine
    Abd Allah Ibn Sina created the laws of medicine which are a massive manuscript created to detail therapies, formulation of medicine, general medicine, and diagnosis of disorders.
  • Sep 11, 1200

    translation of the laws of medicine

    in the 12th century the laws of medicine transcript was translated into latin.
  • Aug 31, 1347

    Bubonic Plauge

    traders carried the disease to Europe where in some areas killed 90%.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


  • Sep 9, 1400

    Small Pox

    when the Spanish colonized south america they brought small pox which killed many Aztecs and Incas.
  • Sep 11, 1514

    Gunshot Wounds

    Giovanni Da Vigo discovered that a gunshot wound is poisonous.
  • Sep 11, 1519

    detailed drawings

    detailed drawings
    Leonardo Da Vinci and Andreas Vesalius dissected human bodies and created detailed drawing of the human body.
  • Sep 11, 1545

    Gunshot cleaning

    Ambroise Pare had cleaned many gunshot wounds and had cleaned some of the wound with Trepidation and had dressed them then woke up and realized those patients had been comfortably sleeping and others were in pain.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    William Harvey made a theory in 1628 that the heart acts as if it were a muscular pump which circulates the blood.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • First development of Vaccination

    First development of Vaccination
    lady Mary Wortley Montagu in 1721 tried to infect herself with a small form of small pox which killed many people in Turkey
  • Vaccination

    Edward Jenner infected a boy with cowpox and showed that this prevented the boy from infection of the deadly small pox.
  • Large Vaccination production

    in the 18th century large vaccination programs undertaken to prevent many deaths from diseases.
  • first step to antibiotic

    Joseph Lister had created some molds that had weakened some microbes.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Diabetic Treatment Fail

    Diabetic Treatment Fail
    in 1922 Canadian physiologist Fred Banting and Charles best had created a treatment for diabetes in the human body but had caused death from extreme weight loss
  • First antibiotic success

    Alexander Flemming created the first antibiotic which is a bacteria destroying mold which he called penicillin.
  • First Large Quantity of Penicillin

    First Large Quantity of Penicillin
    Howard Florey and Ernest Chain was given a task to create medicine for soldiers in WW2 and had used Flemmings research to create a large quantity of Penicillin.
  • Last Case of Natural Transmission

    Last Case of Natural Transmission
    the last natural transmission of small pox was in Africa in 1977
  • End of Small Pox

    the end of small pox was in 1980 the world health organization announced it had been completely eradicated.