Le history of le blood

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    Big blood carrying discoveries 130-200 CE

    Big blood carrying discoveries 130-200 CE
    Claudius Galenus, known as Galen prooves arteries and veins carry blood and how their systems are completely different. Another discovery he made was how blood forms in the liver, travels through veins to the whole body, and passes between the ventricles through pores in the septum.
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    What carries blood BCE

    What carries blood BCE
    Herophilus of Chalcedon in Alexandria, Egypt becomes one of the first Greek anatomists to publicly dissect human cadavers discovering that arteries and veins carry blood but arteries are thicker than veins.
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    The heart is the center BCE

    The heart is the center BCE
    Greek philosopher, Aristotle descibres how the heart is the central organ of the body, it's structure, and is a three-chambered organ in the human body judging by dissections he performed on animals
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    Veins and Arteries differ

    Veins and Arteries differ
    Greek thinker, Alcmaeon of Croton observes that arteries are not similar to veins by performing experiments on animals.
  • Feb 23, 1200

    Pulminary circulation

    Pulminary circulation
    Eminent Cairo physician and author Ibn al-Nafis discover and describe the flow of blood to and from lungs.
  • On The Valves In Veins

    On The Valves In Veins
    Anatomist from Padua,Fabricius, publishes On The Valves In Veins that containes the first drawing of vein valves.

    British physician William Harvey published ANATOMICAL TREATISE ON THE MOVEMENT OF THE HEART AND BLOOD IN ANIMALS where he explains how blood circulates in the body and is pumped by the heart.
  • First look at red blood cells

    First look at red blood cells
    Jan Swammerdam, a Dutch microscopist, becomes the first to observe and describe red blood cells under a microscope.
  • The Capillary system

    The Capillary system
    An Italian anatomist, Marcello Malpighi, examines the network of vessels that connect arteries and veins.
  • First animal Transfusion

    First animal Transfusion
    Richard Lower performs the first recorded blood transfusion in animals in England. He connected the jugular vein of a dog he bled to the neck artery of another dog, bringing the other back to life.
  • Boy/lamb chops

    Boy/lamb chops
    French physician Jean-Baptiste Denis transfuses blood from a lamb's carotid artery to a vein in a teenage boy's suffering from a severe fever, becoming successful.
  • Details on red blood cells

    Details on red blood cells
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch linen draper who later became microscopist, provides a more detailed description of red blood cells, even their size.
  • First human-to-human blood transfusion

    First human-to-human blood transfusion
    Philadelphia physician Philip Syng Physick performs the first (unrecorded) human-to-human blood transfusion.
  • First RECORDED human-to-human blood transfusion

    First RECORDED human-to-human blood transfusion
    British obstetrician and physiologist James Blundell performs the first RECORDED human-to-human blood transfusion. The transfusion is successful at first, but then the patient dies.
  • Platelets make up clots

    Platelets make up clots
    Sir William Osler observes small cell parts (platelets) from bone marrow make up the bulks of clots that form in blood vessels.
  • Karl Landsteiner learns his ABC(later to become O)'s

     Karl Landsteiner learns his ABC(later to become O)'s
    Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian physician, discovers the 3 human blood groups, A, B, and O.
  • AB is introduced

    AB is introduced
    Dr. Landsteiner's colleagues, Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli, find a third human blood group called AB.
  • Cross matching introduced!

    Cross matching introduced!
    Dr. Ludvig Hektoen suggests that they should test donors and recipients for signs of cross matching before transfusion. Dr. Reuben Ottenberg, at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, performs the first transfusion using cross matching and becomes successful.
  • Sodium citrate plevents blood clots

    Sodium citrate plevents blood clots
    Albert Hustin from Brussels and Luis Agote from Buenos Aires find that adding sodium citrate to blood prevents it from clotting.
  • citrate-glucose solution used to store blood

    citrate-glucose solution used to store blood
    Francis Peyton Rous and J.R. Turner, at Rockefeller Institute in New York, develop a citrate-glucose solution that can be used to store blood for weeks and is still usable for transfusion.
  • Welcome to Blood Depot.

    Welcome to Blood Depot.
    While serving in the U.S. Army, Dr. Oswald Robertson, he established the fisrt blood depot.
  • Blood doning service

    Blood doning service
    Percy Lane Oliver begins operating a blood donor service from his London home by recruiting volunteers to donate on 24-hour call for emergencies.
  • Cadaver blood transfusion

    Cadaver blood transfusion
    At the Sklifosovsky Institute in Moscow, Dr. Serge Yudin performs the first blood transfusion using cadaver blood from a dead 60-year-old man to a suicidal young man.
  • Blood transfusions and storing in the U.S.

    Blood transfusions and storing in the U.S.
    At the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, a group of anesthesiologists are the first to store citrated blood and use it for transfusions in a hospital setting in the U.S.
  • Blood transporting cars

    Blood transporting cars
    Physician Federico Duran-Jorda makes the Barcelona Blood-Transfusion Service which collects,tests ,pools by blood group, preserves and stores blood in bottles in refrigeration, and by the use of refrigerated cars, transports it to hospitals during the Spanish Civil War.
  • Baby antibody

    Baby antibody
    Drs. Philip Levine and R.E. Stetson discover that there's an unknown antibody in the women's fetus while giving birth that comes from the father.
  • Rh introduced

    Rh introduced
    Drs. Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener find a new blood group called Rh.
  • Albumin saves the day!

    Albumin saves the day!
    Dr. Isidor Ravdin, a Philadelphia surgeon, treats victims from Pearl Harbor attack with albumin to increase blood volume, successfully.
  • Blood bags

    Blood bags
    Dr. Carl W. Walter, a trained surgeon, develops a plastic bag as blood containers which revolutionized blood collection.
  • Hola hemoglobin

    Hola hemoglobin
    Dr. Max Perutz working at Cambridge University, England, he uncovers the structure of hemoglobin through X-rays.
  • Clot preventing powder

    Clot preventing powder
    Drs. Kenneth M. Brinkhous of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Edward Shanbrom of Hyland Laboratories make a powder that is 100 times stronger than plasma in clotting power.
  • Hepatitis B test

    Hepatitis B test
    Dr. Baruch Blumberg of the National Institutes of Health develops a test that detects if a patient has hepatitis B.
  • The unGay(happy) syndrome

    The unGay(happy) syndrome
    The first cases of a syndrome first called GRID is reporrted. It has been renamed AIDS.
  • Blood disease tests 1987-2002

    Blood disease tests 1987-2002
    A series of tests are created to test donated blood for diseases.
  • Ancient Egyptians BCE

    Ancient Egyptians BCE
    A tomb in Memphis, Egypt illustrates how Egyptians used bleeding as method to treat patients.