
Israel and Palestine

By jdoles
  • WWI Begins

    WWI Begins
    WWI begins after Archduke Ferdinand was assinated by Gavrilo Princep. All Countries that wen to war in 1914 believed they had to go and also believed they were ready to go.
  • Britain Tries to Draft Military Recruits

    Britain Tries to Draft Military Recruits
    Sharif Hussein of Mecca, governor of the Hijaz province of Arabia wanted land in return for pushing the Arabs to revolt against the Ottoman Turks. Britain promises land to the Arabs in return for help in fighting the Ottomans.
  • Sykes-Picot Agreement

    Sykes-Picot Agreement
    The division of Arab lands between Britain and France
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    Britains promise to help establish a national home for the Jews.
  • The Weizmann-Feisal Agreement

    The Weizmann-Feisal Agreement
    Agreement between the Zionists and the Arabs pertaining to the land.
  • King-Crane Commision

    King-Crane Commision
    Independent commission set up to find out what the people of the region wanted done. The commission was not politically motivated therfore some its conslusions went agaist the intentions of the countries involved.
  • British White Paper

    British White Paper
    Britain tries to compomise with both the Zionists and the Arabs over the Palestine Mandate.