Islam in Spain

  • 711

    Start of Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula

     Start of Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula
    Start of Muslim Conquest of Spain. Army of 7000 crossed from North Africa at Gibraltar and began the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Visigoths who had control at the time.Visigoths were defeated easily by these armies and by 720 Muslim armies have taken control of the majority of the entire Peninsula
  • Period: 722 to 1492

    La Reconquista

    Reconquering of Iberian Peninsula by Christian Kingdoms, began shortly after initial Muslim Conquest, but took over 700 years to regain complete control in 1492 following the fall of Granada
  • 756

    Start of Andalusian Umayyad Dynasty

    Start of Andalusian Umayyad  Dynasty
    Amir Abd Al-Rahman the leader of Cordoba, united the Muslim groups in Spain, founding the Emirate of Cordoba. During this time the Iberian Peninsula entered an age of stability, and became known as the "Golden Age". During this time, culture flourished and the population of the peninsula worked together making the area one of the most successful regions of the time. The Christian and Jewish population of the peninsula were tolerated by their Muslim leaders.
  • Period: 756 to 1031

    Rule of Emirate/Caliphate of Córdoba

  • 1031

    Fall of United Muslim Spain

    Fall of United Muslim Spain
    Fall of the Caliphate of Córdoba. Area broke up into a number of smaller "Taifas".These were small and weak and without the protection of their former leaders they were unable to withstand Christian armies from the North and West, and many fell and were conquered by the Christian Kingdoms of Spain
  • 1091

    Beginning of Almoravid Rule of Spain

    Beginning of Almoravid Rule of Spain
    Following the fall of the Caliphate, the taifas struggled to maintain control of the peninsula. The remaining rulers reached out to the Almoravids, who were an Islamic Empire who controlled North Africa, mainly Morocco to help protect them. Took back some of the lands lost to the Christian kingdoms
  • Period: 1091 to 1145

    Rule of Almoravids

  • 1151

    Beginning of Almohad Rule in Spain

    Beginning of Almohad Rule in Spain
    Almohads took over the area of the Almoravids.
  • Period: 1151 to 1212

    Rule of Almohads

  • 1212

    End of Almohad Rule,Kingdom of Granada

    End of Almohad Rule,Kingdom of Granada
    Following conquest of Christian Kingdoms, Islamic land in Spain has been diminished to only one kingdom. The kingdom of Granada was the last stronghold of Islam in the Iberian Peninsula
  • 1492

    End of Muslim Rule in Spain

    End of Muslim Rule in Spain
    Fall of Emirate of Granada, the last major Muslim stronghold in the Peninsula. Conquered by the armies of Castile and Aragon led by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
  • 1502

    Muslims forced to convert to Christianity

    Muslims forced to convert to Christianity
    Under the rule of their new Catholic Rulers, Ferdinand and Isabella, the Muslim population of Spain are ordered to convert to Catholicism. Muslim culture removed and mosques are converted to churches. Also forced conversion of Jewish People. Those who didn't were punished and persecuted
  • 1516

    Modern State of Spain Formed

    Modern State of Spain Formed
    Country we know as Spain today is formed as the Kingdom of Spain following a unification of the smaller kingdoms of the peninsula
  • 1568

    Laws outlawing Muslim Culture put in place

    Laws outlawing Muslim Culture put in place
    Outlaw the Arabic Language, Islamic dress, and virtually any aspect of the previous Moorish Culture
  • Expulsion of Moriscos from Spain

    Expulsion of Moriscos from Spain
    Descendents of the Moorish people who converted to Catholicism (Moriscos) are expelled from Spain following a number of revolts.
  • Islam Extinguished in Spain

    After many years of conversion, persecution, and cultural censorship, Islam has been virtually removed from Spain
  • Today

    In recent years with changing attitudes and an influx of immigration from Islamic countries the population of Muslims in Spain has grown substantially. Muslims are 4% of the modern population of Spain and continue to grow as more immigrants arrive, people convert, and marriage occurs between Hispanic and Muslim people. Many of which have come from Morocco