
The story of Islam

  • 570

    Muhammad is born

    Muhammad is born
    Muhammad was born in Mecca, and came from a family of merchants. He was an orphan at the age of six, and is considered a muslim prophet. He was responsible for starting the religon Islam. He founded it, and collected all of the first followers even in tough situations created by his original people who did not believe in his preachings.
  • Jan 1, 622


    Hegira is the first offical date on this Islamic calendar. It marks the flight Muhammad and his followers made too Yathrib, also known as "the city of the prophet."
  • Jan 1, 630

    Muhammad visits Ka'aba

    Muhammad visits Ka'aba
    This was when Muhammad amde a visit to th Ka'aba to pronounce it as the sacred shrine of Islam. While he was there he ordered the destruction of the idols of the orginal faith of Mecca. This caused a stir and leaad to more people talking about Muhammad and his followers which lead to the spread of Islam two years later after Muhammads death.
  • Jan 1, 636

    Muslims defeated the Byzantine army

    Muslims defeated the Byzantine army
    The Muslims defeated the Byzantine empire at the Yarmuk river, which is north of the dead sea. After four years, they Muslims took control of Syria. Ths lead to the Arabs taking over the entire Sassanid empire by 650, after defeating a Persian force east of Syria.
  • Jan 1, 656

    Uthman was assassinated

    Uthman was assassinated
    Uthman was Umar's successor. When Uthman was assassinated Ali was in Medina, and was able to take his place as caliphate. This rose many questions about Ali, because he was in the right place at the right time, and was very eager to take Uthmans place. This ened with Ali being assassinated.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Ali was assassinated

    Ali was assassinated
    Ali was Uthman's successor, and he was assassinated because many of his rivals were convined he had Uthman assassinated. After Ali was assassinated, Mu'awiya became his successor, and he made the caliphate hereditary in his own blood.
  • Jan 1, 710

    Muslims cross the Strait of Gibraltar

    Muslims cross the Strait of Gibraltar
    Arab forces combined with Berber forces, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar, and headed into southern Spain. They mad etheir way into an already collapsing kingdom, Visigothic, and took control of it making it and the majority of the Iberian pennsula a Muslim state.
  • Jan 1, 717

    Muslims launch an attack on Constantinople

    Muslims launch an attack on Constantinople
    This was an attempt b y the Muslims to destroy the Byzantine Empire, but the Mslim fleet was destroyed by the Byzantine's use of the weapon Greek fire. Greek fire s a petroleum-based compound that involves sulfur and quick-lime.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Abu al-Abbas led a revolt against the Berbers

    Abu al-Abbas led a revolt against the Berbers
    Abu al-Abbas led a revolt against Berbers, which resultd in the overthrowing of the Umayyads. This allowed for the creation of the Abbasid dynasty, which led to the creation of the new capital, Baghdad.
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    Abbasid dynasty

    The Abbasids brought a lot of change to the Muslims. For one major change they moved the capital to a new city, Baghdad. They were also less spiritual leaders, and more temperal. They ruled autocraticaly. There was always one main leader/ ruler.
  • Jan 1, 1071

    Byzantines challenged the Turks

    Byzantines challenged the Turks
    The Byzantines challenged the Turks which was a bad idea, because not only were the Turks a strong military force, but they also had the Crusades. so after the Byzantines challenged the Turks, the Turks sent in the Crusades. This lead to a dark time for the Muslims, and almost the downfall of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1099

    first Crusade

    first Crusade
    The first Crusade entered Jerusalem, and was successful in capturing Jerusalem. This was surprising to the Muslims, and they were confused. The local warriors attempted to fight the Crusaders off, but failed. THen Saladin's army invaded the kingdom of Jerusalem, and defeated the Crusaders. Finally a few years later the final Christian bastion fell in 1291 ending the reign of the Crusaders.
  • civil war

    civil war
    The civil war was caused by Harun's death. After Hurn's death his two sons began a rivalry that led to civil war and the destruction of Baghdad. Families were fighting each other and destroying each other. It was a dark time in Muslim history.
  • Period: to

    Harun al-Rashid

    Harun, also know as "the upright", ruled during the commonly know "golden age" of the Abbasid caliphate. he was a man who was fond of learning, and fouded an astronomical observitory, and began a foundation for translating many greek works of literature.