Isam Timeline

By miabudz
  • 632

    The death of Muhammad, Abu Bakr becomes successor of Muhammad

    The death of Muhammad, Abu Bakr becomes successor of Muhammad
    Caused a strain between the Muslim people. Abu spends years reuniting Muslim people and goes on successful military conquests. (helps lead to downfall and then spread)
  • 661

    Ali (son-in-law) is assasinated which causes Islam to split into two different branches. Sunnis vs Shiites.

    Ali (son-in-law) is assasinated which causes Islam to split into two different branches. Sunnis vs Shiites.
    Sunnis and Shiites fight (split of religion). Sunnis believe the caliph does not have to be decedents of Muhammad. Start of the rise of the Umayyad Dynasty (helps lead to downfall)
  • 711

    Islamic armies invade Spain and move to France

    (helps lead to spread of Islamic empire)
  • 732

    Islamic army is defeated at the battle of Tours

    First battle lost in 100 years. :( (helps lead to downfall)
  • 750

    Abbasids (new dynasty) conquer Umayyads (muslim territories)

    Abbasids go through capital, defeats them, then invites ruling members of Umayyads to dinner and kills them all. (ends arab dominance over Islam, becomes religion for everyone). Baghdad gains power (helps with the downfall of Islamic empire)
  • 850

    Abbasids start to lose power in the Arab empire

    Abbasids start to lose power in the Arab empire
    Outsiders come in and start to break apart Arab empire. (helps to the decline of Islamic empire)
  • 900

    Seljuk Turks migrate from Central Asia to Middle East

    Seljuk Turks migrate from Central Asia to Middle East
    more powerful than Abbasids (helps with downfall)
  • 1055

    Abbasid Caliph is left as figurehead of Baghdad by previous Seljuk sultan

    Turks take control (helps with downfall)
  • 1095

    Seljuk interference with christian pilgrims (to Jerusalem)

    Seljuk Turks (though converted), did not care about people of the book like the original Muslims did. (helps with downfall)
  • 1099

    European, Christian crusaders take control of Jerusalem

    European, Christian crusaders take control of Jerusalem
    People of the book can have pilgrimages again (helps with decline)
  • 1187

    Christians get kicked out of Jerusalem (by Salah al-din)

    (helps with spread)
  • 1216

    Genghis Khan leads Mongols into Asia and Middle East

    Genghis Khan leads Mongols into Asia and Middle East
    Mongol armies soon return. Terrifying and powerful. (helps with downfall)
  • 1258

    Grandson of Genghis Kan (Hulagu) burns Baghdad to ground :(

    Grandson of Genghis Kan (Hulagu) burns Baghdad to ground :(
    Fire kills almost everyone including Abbasid caliph (helps with downfall)
  • 1300

    Mongol army led by Timur invades Middle East

    Mongol army led by Timur invades Middle East
    Mongols keep overrunning Muslim territories (helps with downfall) (plague begins)
  • 1492

    Christians seize last remaining Muslim stronghold in Spain

    Last of Muslims are kicked completely out of Europe (helps with downfall)
  • 1520

    Islamic empire grows under Suleiman (leader of new Muslim, Ottoman empire)

    Islamic empire grows under Suleiman (leader of new Muslim, Ottoman empire)
    basically a restart to Islam (helps with spread)