

By yunqing
  • Recruit members

    Recruit members
    We recruited five members in the team.
    Lanyi, Weiwei, Wangmengyao, Zhengbingwei, Huangyile.
  • First meeting

    First meeting
    We met other team members for the first time, and discussed the work in the next week. HUST group was responsible for the collection and analysis of 2012 igem result in Amecican East.
  • Period: to

    American East result

    We investigated the igem 2012 results page to collect projects which have gold medal from American East. Based on these results we analysed the biobricks, methods, ideas and the reason why they got the medal.
    Contributors: all
  • Seminar(2012 igem result)

    Seminar(2012 igem result)
    We shared our fruit about igem 2012 results in American East, and discussed with team members.
  • Seminar(2012 igem awrad trend)

    Seminar(2012 igem awrad trend)
    We listened the analysis on the Award winning trend and discussed different ideas, then chose the idea about the regulation of cell cycle.
  • Seminar(database)

    We shared the database containing E.coli gene and its function with other team members.
  • Seminar(cell cycle gene)

    Seminar(cell cycle gene)
    We showed promoters in the three events of E.coli cell cycle and its regulatory regions which determine the boundary of sequences to make biobrick.
  • Period: to

    Designed primers

    We used SnapGene to design two primers for 7 promoters.
    Contributors: Zhengbingwei, Weiwei
  • Modify primers

    Modify primers
    We consult our adviser about the primers, and modify the primers sequences.