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History of United Kingdom.

  • Dec 13, 1154

    Henry II and Richard the Lionheart.

    Henry II and Richard the Lionheart.
    Justice is subjected to the reign of radical change. The whole country was divided into 6 judicial districts, and instituted the royal court.During the reign of his son, Richard I, known as Lionheart country again began to decline. Needing money for the crusade, he extorted them from their subjects by means of unspeakable brutality.
  • Sep 16, 1399

    Dynasty Lancaster.

    Dynasty Lancaster.
    The reign of Henry IV was marked by a number of conspiracies and rebellions, but Henry emerged victorious from all these trials and strengthened him for the throne.
  • Dec 29, 1485

    Tudor HouseHenry VII

    Tudor HouseHenry VII
    With the accession of Henry VII of England may endure not only the new dynasty, but the new order of things. People longed for peace and the peaceful development of civil life, and Henry skillfully took advantage of this mood to consolidate his dynasty and expand the rights of the crown.
  • Stuart - James I.

    Stuart - James I.
    On arrival in England, James was greeted common desire for change.
  • Restoration period.

    Restoration period.
    On accession to the throne, Charles II immediately showed that the Stuarts in exile have forgotten nothing and learned nothing. In January 1668, Karl signed the triple alliance with Sweden and the Netherlands, in order to protect Protestantism in Europe.
  • Anna.

    With accession to the throne of Anna began the War of the Spanish Succession, which lasted 11 years.
    The new ministers to immediately open peace negotiations with France. The result of the talks was the world of Utrecht, in which England received from the French part of her possessions in North America. French naval force was destroyed, while the British fleet was the first in Europe.
  • The results of the UK.

    The results of the UK.
    Now Britain is a highly developed country.
    One of the largest states in Europe, nuclear power, a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
    Great Britain is the birthplace of modern parliamentary democracy.