History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 900


    Discovered the difference between measles and smallpox
  • 1140

    Medical Care Regulated

    No practicing medicine with out a license
  • 1289

    Medical School at Montpelier founded

    Medical School at Montpelier founded
    Permitted anyone with a medial license to teach
  • 1300

    Islamic Hospitals

    These offered healthcare for the sick.
  • 1300

    Barber-surgeons Outlawed

    Were expected to perform bloodletting and other medical procedures. This was banned
  • Period: 1301 to


  • 1400

    Frenchwoman Jacoba Felice is denied practicing medicine

    Frenchwoman Jacoba Felice is denied practicing medicine
    Was placed on trial for unlawful practice
  • Scientific Method

    Use of the scientific method begins.
  • Reflective Microscope

    Reflective Microscope
    Allowed study of microorganism like bacteria
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria
  • Francis Bacon

    Uses the microscope to discover plague fleas.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • First vaccination discovered

    Opened up thousands of possibilities for vaccinations
  • Stethoscope Invented

    Stethoscope Invented
    Allowed for advancements when listening to heart and lungs.
  • Joseph Lister

    Practice of medical asepsis
  • Ignaz Semmelweis

    Ignaz Semmelweis
    Shows importance of hand washing
  • John Snow

    Stops an outbreak of cholera.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Alexander Fleming

    Alexander Fleming
    Discovers penicillin
  • First HMO Insurance

    An organization that provides managed care for health insurance on a prepaid basis
  • Salk

    Discovers polio vaccine
  • CAT/CT Scan Invented

    CAT/CT Scan Invented
    Allowed for more information to be see than on X-rays
  • WHO Declares Smallpox Eradicated

    The first disease to be fought on a global scale.
  • Human Genome

    Human Genome
    Released to the public
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Steve Thomas

    Used sterile maggots for infectious wound treatment
  • Gardasil approved by the FDA

    Vaccine to prevent cervical cancer
  • Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA)

    Provided incentives for practitioners who use electronic health records and e-prescribing
  • AbioCor placed in a patient

    AbioCor placed in a patient
    First FDA approved artificial heart