history of medicine

  • 500


    discovered difference between small pox and measles
  • 500

    acupuncture & pulse diagnosis

    the first uses of acupuncture and pulse diagnosis was used in 500 b.c
  • Period: 500 to 1300

    middle ages

  • 659


    the idea of substance tooth fillings would be made of silver and tin, but was not used until later on
  • 754

    first pharmacy

    first pharmacy
    the first pharmacy was in Baghdad in 754
  • 1100

    antiseptic method

    wounds would be cleaned and then sutured to promote healing.
  • Period: 1301 to


  • 1315

    mondino de luzzi

    mondino de luzzi
    a italian physician wrote, anathomia corporis humani , this is the first example of modern dissection and first anatomic text.
  • 1352


    the earliest uses or knowledge of eye glasses was in 1352 by
  • 1377


    after the black death , the city of ragusa , issued orders to combat the plague.
  • 1500

    cesarean section

    first written record of a baby and mother surviving during a cesarean section was in 1500
  • printing press

    allowed for publications of medical discoveries
  • Period: to

    industrial revolution

  • citrus fruit

    citrus fruit
    it was discovered that citrus fruit prevent scurvy
  • stethoscope

    the first stethoscope was invented in 1816
  • germ theory of disease

    it was established that a specific disease is caused by a specific organism. before this doctors believed disease were caused by spontaneous generation.
  • emil von behring

    emil von behring
    discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines
  • x-rays

    while experimenting a man discovered that rays were emitted in the current of a discharge tube.
  • Period: to

    modern world

  • blood transfusion

    first successful record of blood transfusion was in 1907 , using abo blood typing technique
  • insulin

    Insulin was used to treat diabetes in 1922
  • vaccine

    first vaccine for diphtheria was created in 1923
  • kidney transplant

    in 1954 , the first kidney transplant was done between identical teens.
  • christiaan barnard

    christiaan barnard
    a south african performed the first human heart transplant
  • Period: to

    21st century

  • birth control

    birth control
    birth control patch was first created in 2002
  • hpv

    an hpv vaccination was created in 2006
  • embryonic cells

    scientist discovered human skin cells can create embryonic cells
  • trial of ebola vaccine

    the first trial for a ebola vaccine started in january 2015
  • michael sofia

    michael sofia
    was honored and award for being the creator for hepatitis cure