History: 600 AD to 1600 Ad

  • Jan 1, 700

    The Mayan Calendar

    The Mayan Calendar
    Cause: The Mayans used three separate calendars. The Long Count was pricipally used for historical purposes, since it can define any date for millenia in the past and future. The Haab was a civil calendar based on a year of 360 days consisting of 18 periods of 20 days and the Tzolkin calendar went through a complete cycle every 260 days. The signficance of this cycle is unknown; it may be connected with the orbit of Venus.Effect- The Calendars were used to count number and people believed in it.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Battle of the hastings 1000-1100 AD

    Battle of the hastings 1000-1100 AD
    Cause- After the last Anglo-Saxon king died in England, several people claimed the throne. William, Duke of Normandy wanted to claim the throw so what he did was fighting off the other repasanitves to claim the throne.Effect- william came the king.
  • Sep 28, 1066

    Norman Conquest of England

    Norman Conquest of England
    Cause: When King Edward died, William, Duke of Normandy, invaded England in 1066, because William wanted to be crowend king of england. Willliam and his army was defeating the army of King Harald III of Norway for england.
    Effect: William had secured control of which lead to his crowning as King of England and the Etablishment of Norman ruling england.
  • Jan 1, 1099

    first crusade 1000 AD - 1100 AD

    first crusade 1000 AD - 1100 AD
    cause- Around 1095, a new group of Arabs took control of Jerusalem. They closed the city to Jewish and Christian pilgrims.
    effect- The Pope acted. He called for a crusade - a volunteer army whose goal was to retake Jerusalem. Many people volunteered. About 30,000 men left Western Europe to fight in Jerusalem.
  • Jan 1, 1192

    Third Crusade 1100-1200 AD

    Third Crusade 1100-1200 AD
    Cause- The aim was to take back jerusalem and the holy land from the 'infidels' led by Saladin.
    Effects- Although the crusades failed, they had a major impact on Western Europe.
  • Jul 3, 1239

    Edward the first Model Parliament: June 17 1239 – July 7, 1307

    Edward the first Model Parliament: June 17 1239 – July 7, 1307
    Cause- Edward I was the first royal parliament and consisted of an unelected House of Lords and a House of Commons representing the counties and towns. Parliament developed in the 13th and 14th centuries largely through the desire of Edward I and his successors to wage war.Effect- Edward 1, demanded that each county provided representatives to attend parliament regularly.
  • Jan 1, 1274

    The Mongols try to invade Japan 1200 CE - 1400 CE

    The Mongols try to invade Japan 1200 CE - 1400 CE
    Cause- the Mongols invade Japan because Japan refused to pay tribute to the Mongols.
    Effects- The Mongols failed to invade japan.
  • Jan 18, 1346

    The Plague reached the Black Sea.

    The Plague reached the Black Sea.
    Merchants and other travelers from the black death were a big cause in moving the plauge form China to Europe. One of the main paths to the plague was the Silk Road. Meanwhile it productivity went down, it took it’s time for the plague to reach the black sea.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    The Black Death reached Europe

    The Black Death reached Europe
    The first recorded appearance of the plague in Europe was at Messina, Sicily in October of 1347. It arrived on trading ships that very likely came from the Black Sea, past Constantinople and through the Mediterranean. With the arrival of these ships, they came many deaths for the europians.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    The Black Death in England

    The Black Death in England
    The first outbreak of plague swept across England in 1348-49. It seems to have travelled across the south in bubonic form during the summer months of 1348, Before mutating into the even more frightening pneumonic form with the onset of winter. It hit London in September 1348. The black death effect heaps of things, but the main thing it effect was peoples lifes.
  • Jan 1, 1349

    The Flagellants Attempt to Repelthe Black Death

    The Flagellants Attempt to Repelthe Black Death
    Cause: The Flagellants Attempt to Repelthe Black Death because of the hunger, drought and other natural maladies would motivate thousands to resort to this extreme method of seeking relief. Effect: They whip themselves begging for gods forgivness hoping that he will rid them of the disease.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Chapels & Churches:, Medieval europe

    Chapels & Churches:, Medieval europe
    In medieval times, religion controlled daily life. By 1350 CE, there was one church or chapel for every 200 people, with more churches being built all the time. All the important events of life took place in the medieval church - baptism, confirmation, marriage, and burial.
  • Jan 1, 1381

    The Peasants’ Revolt- Black death

    The Peasants’ Revolt- Black death
    Cause- Many people died during the black death, so the peasants gained better conditions and rights, they fight to keep those rights. Effect- Peasent refused to work for anyone and help mantian there land. The parliment gave up trying to control the level of wages that land holders paid to peasents and he number of men that weren't tied to a lords land decresed.
  • Jun 4, 1412

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    Joan of arc was a peasant girl who believed that god had spoken to her and convinced her to tell Charles that if he will fight the Reims to be sanctified, there will be a king on France. Joan fort alongside the army. Eventually Charles gets the crown and becomes king of France. After that, later on she gets taken by the Burundians, then they hand her over to the English. She get framed as a heretic and proceeds to burn at the stake.
  • Jan 1, 1575

    Oda Nobunaga 1534–82

    Oda Nobunaga 1534–82
    Oda Nobunaga was a general, Nobunaga’s primary aim was to maintain his authority through military strength, but he also wanted to improve the lives of the people who lived on the lands that he conquered. Nobunaga’s effect of exciting was standardised the currency, He also maintained roads and highways and abolished customs barriers and by the time of his death in 1582, Nobunaga had conquered a third of Japan.
  • Jun 28, 1575

    Battle of Nagashino 1400 ce – 1600 ce

    Battle of Nagashino 1400 ce – 1600 ce
    Cause- Okudaira Sadamasa , a Tokugawa vassal, commanded the defending force. The Takeda forces attacked the castle because it threatened Takeda’s supply lines.
    Effects- Takeda lost his nerve at a critical moment in the battle when his adversaries were prepared to withdraw themselves. If the battle continued as it was going, Takeda would have lost and there was no way he could have predicted Oda/Tokugawa’s timely decision to withdraw.
  • Tokugawa leyasu 1600 CE- 1800 CE

    Tokugawa leyasu 1600 CE- 1800 CE
    Cause: Hideyoshi wanted to rule japan so he lead an army of 80 000 samurai to fight Leyasu.
    Effect: Leyasu defeated his rival and gained control of most of japan.
  • The Great Plague of London

    The Great Plague of London
    Cause-The people thought it was God’s punishment for sins.The plague was caused by bacillus in the fleas that lived on black rats. Effect- The biggest effect on the plauge was all the lives lost. People’s lives and businesses suffered terribly because so many were shut in their homes. Between one and three people died in most infected homes.
  • vikings: 800 Ad - 1000 AD

    vikings: 800 Ad - 1000 AD
    Cause- One reason is that they became over populated and they moved to other lands to find more space. The other reason was Christianity became very popular and the Vikings feared this new belief.Effects-As they moved from country to country they taught other countries to build boat over Europe. Early in history most of the trading was done by boats. Vikings were good traders and contributed to the economy by buying and selling goods at ports.
  • Samurai 794 A.D- 1868 A.D

    Samurai 794 A.D-  1868 A.D
    Samurai's were thired on the social pyramid. A Samurai lived in the community to enforce laws and collect taxes. They were the members of the military class of Japan. In other words, they were Japanese warriors. They were used to prodect the country. Samurai's did a good job at protecting the land and the army.