French timeline

  • Period: to

    french revolution

  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    Louis XIV take the throne at the age of !9. Well intentionned but he was a weak leader and was often dominated by his wife, Mary Antoinette.
  • Louis XIV and the government

    Louis XIV and his government were going bankrupt from poor harvests. The national assembly is formed.
  • Storming the bastille

    Storming the bastille
    The people of paris storm the bastille, a much hated prison that symbolized autocratic rule. The revolution began hear.
  • National assembly

    National assembly
    National assemby adopted the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen. Guranteed the rights of "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppresion" to all people.
  • The great fear

    The great fear
    The great fear, peasants were fearful that the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize them. Peasants rioted and stormed vesailles and demanded that Louis and Marie Antoinette ome to paris.
  • National assembly disbanded

    National assembly disbanded so the legaslative assembly can take over. Creates a constittutional monarchy; strips power from the king and gave the assembly the power to create french law.
  • Revolution leaders

    Revolution leaders turn on eachother and break intpo four parts Radicals, Moderates, and Conservative.
  • Supporting louis XIV

    Austria and Prussia supported louis XIV sent troops to paris.
  • Purissians invade

    20,000 purissians invade the palace, Louis, Marie antoinette, and their children were imprisoned.
  • Abolishing a monarchy

    The people abolish the monarchy and makes france a republic. All adult male citizens are allowed to vote and/or hold office. Women had no rights.
  • Louis, trial for treason

    (from December 1792-January 1793) louis XIV is no longer king. New leaders try him for dtreason against france, and they setence him to death
  • Louis XIVs execution

    Louis XIVs execution
    Louis XIV was executed by the guillotine.
  • Building an army

    Building an army
    The national assmebly drafts 300,000 french citizens to join the army.
  • Maximillion Robesparra

    Maximillion Robesparra
    Maximillion Robesparra tries to gain power He becomes the leader of the comittee of public safety. People were tried and executed in the same day.
  • Marie Antoinette is killed

    Marie Antoinette is killed
    Marie Antoinette is executed.
  • The reign of terror

    (July 1793-July 1794) Robespaire governed france nearly as a dictator. The time became known as the reign of terror. Almost 3,000 people killed in paris, and almost 40,000 people killed in all.
  • Robesspairs end

    The national comitee of safety became realized Robisspare is bad. So he was executed on July 29th
  • Napoleon bonapart

    Napoleon bonapart
    Modecrat leaders, new constituion, two houses, and five men each. Napoleon Bonapart was chosen to lead french armies.