French Revolution Timeline

  • Estates

    New tax policy in which society was divided into three estates. On the third estate, who filled 97% of the population were the common people who paid 50% of tax. On the second estate, who almost didn't pay taxes were the nobles. And finally on the first estate was the clergy who didn't pay taxes at all.
  • Assembly

    Members of the third estate make an assembly in which they reject leaving until changes and a new constitution is made. This assembly was formed due to recent incomodity and very high taxes.
  • Storming of Bastille

    The storming of bastille was a protesting act against the government. Here, the Bastille which was a prison was stormed by revolutionars who where armed. They killed all the guards and the prisoners were freed.
  • National Assemby Abolishes Feudalism

    Taxes and privileges abolished by the National Assembly in the night of Auguast 4.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen.

    Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen law was passed by the French assembly. Very important document in rights history for men.