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French revolution

By bui622
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    • Louis XVI Summon the state general.
    - Create a list of grievences Characters ============================================
    - Louis XVI (King)
  • Period: to


  • National constituent assembly

    National constituent assembly
    • Create a National Parlament.
    - Declarations of the rights of man. Characters ============================================
    - The king Louis XVI
    - The Nation
  • The reaction of Louis XVI

    The reaction of Louis XVI
    - Louis XVI ordered the national Assembly to disband inmediately. Characters ============================================
    - Louis XVI(King)
    - The Nation
  • Period: to

    The legislative Assembly

    • The soverignity fell in the Nation not in the king.
    • Political parties the rights and lefts.
    - King asked for help another countries. Characters ============================================
    - The Girondins and Jacobins
    - Nation
  • Period: to

    The national convention

    • Marat and Robespierre -The death of Marat and The village say the hero. -The king and the queen were executed by the guillotine ============================================ Characters ============================================
    • Robespierre
    • Louis XVI (King)
    • Marie Antoinette(Queen)
    • Marat