

  • Meeting in Estates General

    Meeting in Estates General
    Louis XIV called a meeting in the Estates General for the first time in a long time. Featuring the celrgy, the noblemen, and the rest of France together. It was called to formulate a new fiscal plan.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    As the delegates had prohibited to meet the assembly in their normal room, they went to a nearby tennis court, where they continued the meeting. There, the third state promised that they wouldn't stop meeting up until they have written a new constitution for France.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    The Bastille was a prision in Paris that symbolized the absolute power. The 14th of July, the revolutionaries marched to the Bastille to demand the release of prisoners and firearms to defend ageinst the royal army. Moments after they stormed the prison, freeing the prisoners and capturing the weapons stored inside.
  • The declaration of rights of Man

    The declaration of rights of Man
    This document says that all men were equal under de law, however, wemen and child weren't affected by this document.
  • March of Versailles

    March of Versailles
    The 5th of October a group of women from Paris marched to the Palace of Versailles to demand bread and political rights from King Louis XVI. The women's demands were eventually met, and their actions helped to bring about the fall of the monarchy.
  • Civil constitution of theClergy

    Civil constitution of theClergy
    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was a law passed on 12 July 1790 during the French Revolution, that caused the immediate subordination of most of the Catholic Church in France to the French government.
  • The flight to Varennes.

    The flight to Varennes.
    Louis and his family tried to escape from Paris to recover his power forming a new army. They almost succeeded but they were stoped in a nearby town called Varennes and they were returned to paris as prisoners. They acused the King of threasom because through that attempt he showed that he didn't support the revolution.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis XVI was sentenced to dead by the French National Convention for being a traitor to France. He was executed by guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Parison on January 21, 1793.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    The reign of terror started due to the death of the Jacobins leader: Jean - Paul Marat. The Geobins (their enemies) were accused for the murder and they were executed. Over the next year, over 40 000 people were executed. This period ended by the execution of Robespierre because he was behaving like a tyran.
  • End of the French Revolution

    End of the French Revolution
    The 9th of November, Napoleon Bonaparte lead the Coup d'état of 18 Brumaire and became the Consulate of France, ending the French Revolution.