French Revolution and Napolean

  • Estates General convened by King

    Estates General convened by King
    Estates General called forth for the first time since 1614 by King Louis XVI because the third estate wasn't getting any representation.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    A pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate which were locked out of the Estates-General meeting on June 20, 1789. They made a their own conference room inside a tennis court located in the Saint-Louis district. They also planned that if soldiers were to attack them, they would flee to Paris.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    First act of the revolution which was an attack on the Bastille castle which represented royal authority in the center of Paris. 300 guards ran away before the fight, storm was led by Pierre Agustin.
  • National Assembly Decress Abolition of Feudalism

    National Assembly Decress Abolition of Feudalism
    Abolished the higherarchy that controlled all the land and took the burden off of the third estate and giving them hope to own land someday.
  • National Assembly decress Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    National Assembly decress Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    A document passed that brought all estates together with equal power, however not many saw the equalness there even after the law passed. This document was based off of the declaration of independence.
  • Women's March for Bread to Versailles

    Women's March for Bread to Versailles
    One of the earliest and most significant events of the French Revolution. The march began among women in the marketplaces of Paris who were near rioting over the high price and scarcity of bread.
  • Abolition of nobility and titles

    Abolition of nobility and titles
    The National Assembly abolished all title such as Duke, Count, Baron, etc. deciding that the citizen should only be known as their family name. Coats of Arms were also outlawed. This was an important first step into equality.
  • Black citizens of French colonies granted equal rights

    Black citizens of French colonies granted equal rights
    All slaves and blacks given equal right due to a passed law.
  • Beginning of legislative Assembly

    Beginning of legislative Assembly
    The Legislative Assembly was created after the National Assembly. It first met on October 1, 1791. It was made up of people with little national political experience. It consisted of 745 members. None of its members had been a part of the National Assembly.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    Louis was tried for treason and condemmed to death by guillotine by the National Convention. This was one of the acts of the Reign of Terror going on in France.
  • Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace, massacring the Swiss Guard, and the King imprisoned

    Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace, massacring the Swiss Guard, and the King imprisoned
    A mob stormed the Tuileries Palace to capture King Louis XVI. The guards at the palace had no chance against the large mob. The mob killed every single guard and anybody they found in the palace. They found King Louis XVI in the Legislative Assembly building and captured and imprisoned him.
  • Committee of Public Safety established

    Committee of Public Safety established
    Formed the de facto executive government in France during the Reign of Terror.
  • Beginning of the Reign of Terror

    Beginning of the Reign of Terror
    A period of time in France's history when the French revolution entered political conflict between the Girondins and the Jacobins. The Law of Suspects allowed one to execute anyone who disagreed with the French Republic.
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    End of the Reign of Terror
    Robespierre was arrested and later executed which was a big breakthrough for the Commitee of Public safety.
  • Creation of the Directorate

    Creation of the Directorate
    A directory that consisted of 5 men who controlled the appointing of who had roles in government because they were not part of the legislative body, they did not take part in that part of government.
  • Napolean Bonaparte named "First Consul" now the effective dictator

    Napolean Bonaparte named "First Consul" now the effective dictator
    Napolean overthrows the Directory and become the First Consul and immediately begins to strategize with the army.
  • Napolean consecrated as Emperor

    Napolean consecrated as Emperor
    Napoleon was consecrated as emperor. Napoleon had risen to power slowly but surely thus climbing the ladder of power. In time, he had convinced the leglislative bodies name him emperor because of all of his great achievements and the power he had gained. Once Emperor he retained his power by creating monuments all over France.