French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Call of the Estates General

    Call of the Estates General
    5King Louis XVI called for an estates meeting. This was the first estates meeting in a very long time.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The third estate was getting tired of the First and Second Estate controlling everything when they had 98% of the population. So they said that we are gonna start voting on population. The first and second estate didn't like that at all and they said no. So the Third Estate said we are gonna meet here until we have a new constituation.
  • Storming of the Bastlle

    Storming of the Bastlle
    Parisians were gathering outside of the Bastille. The Bastille was where the medieval fortress used as a prison. Weapons were wanted to be stored there. The commander then began firing at the crowd and battle began. The governor was then killed with his head going around town on a spike. This was the mark of the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Execution of Robesplerre

    Execution of Robesplerre
    The main person in charge of the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror, is overthrown and arrested. Robespierre is the leader and along with him and 21 of his followers were executed before a cheering mob in Paris. He was originally the leader of everything. He was the one who wanted the King to be put on trial for treason and after his death he became leader.
  • Declarartion of the rights of man

    Declarartion of the rights of man
    Women participated and helped a lot with the revolution. The women were upset when they found out that the deceleration did not mention women at all. It also left out talking about slavery.
  • March on Versailes

    March on Versailes
    Most women got tired of not having enough food to provide for their families. A crowd of women and some men drenched from the rain marched to ward Versailles. The king said that he would be willing to talk to some women and all the bread would be given to the crowd. The national guard determined to take the king back to Paris which complicated things for the king.
  • Civil Constitution of the clergy

    Civil Constitution of the clergy
    The main thing that the government wanted to happen was to reduce the number of bishops from 135 to 83. Even though that it was passed many clerics disagreed with the rulers put on the church. On Nov. 27, 1790, the National Constituent Assembly ordered the clergy to take an oath saying they support the nation’s constitution. Only seven bishops took the oath. The government took harsh measures against the clergy that wasn't participating in the oath as enemies of the state.
  • Royal family attems to flee

    Royal family attems to flee
    The king, Queen and their children fled the Tuileries Palace to try to make it to Austria. They have been held captive since the mob of women forced them back to Paris. They snuck out of the palace disguised as servants and hoped to get to Austria. The king wanted to spark a counter-revolutionary movement among France’s neighboring countries in order to retake control over the country that he once had in control.
  • Execution f the king

    Execution f the king
    The royal family was cot at Varennes, France, and carried back to Paris. There, the king was forced to accept the constitution of 1791. The family was then arrested. In September they found out about Louis talking to other countries and he was tried for treason. Then the next January he was executed.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Hostile armies were surrounding France from all side. Revolutionary governments were making harsh decisions to those to be enemies of the revolution. There is to be known as 1400 executions during tis time. The law of 22 suspended a suspect’s right to public trial and to legal assistance and left the jury a choice only of acquittal or death.