french revolution

  • louis zvi crowned king of france

    louis zvi crowned king of france
    Louis was crowned king of France when his father died in 1765. In 1770 he married Marie Antoinette. And had a daughter named Marie Theresa.
  • american revolution begins

    american revolution begins
    The so called Americans broke away from England and made the own country. This is important because the people in France said if they can do it so can we.
  • estates general

    estates general
    the kings called in a meeting and he wants to tax the 1st and 2nd estates.But of course there was a cache. the vote was unfair because each estate got one vote even the the 3rd estate is majority. And of course they were out voted.
  • national assembly

    national assembly
    the third estate is angry and decides to make there own form of government. after the estates general was unfair
  • tennis court oath

    tennis court oath
    they promise not to separate until the king change the rules.
  • storming of Bastille

    storming of Bastille
    when the third estate finally was fed up and got guns and let loose prisoners. And it stood as a place of royalty for the king so it was a big deal.
  • women force louis xvi to leave versailles

    women force louis xvi to leave versailles
    these women force him to leave for what he has done to there country and freedom.
  • declares war on Austria

    declares war on Austria
    the national assembly declares war on Austria. And Louis xvi tells Austria to do this to change the focus off of him
  • national convention

    national convention
    the second form of government during the french revolution. and replaced the the national assembly
  • king Louis xvi being executed

    king Louis xvi being executed
    this happen because he was stubborn and refuses to give the third estate and respect so he died. and so did Marie Antoinette
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    a horrible time to be 1st and 2nd estate and basically a mass kill spree b the Jacobin.
  • thermidorian reaction

    thermidorian reaction
    when Maximilian Robespierre was claimed tyrant .
  • directory is formed

    directory is formed
    a formal meeting with important people to talk about decision that need to be made. replaced the committee of public safety.
  • napoleon takes power.

    napoleon takes power.
    napoleon takes power after he becomes a well known general.
  • napolean invades russia

    napolean invades russia
    when napoleon gave up on England and try to defeat the Russians but failed miserably.
  • napoleans defeat at waterloo

    napoleans defeat at waterloo
    was the final fail of napoleans career.