french revolution

  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI was also known as louis the great or sun king. He was the king of france from 1643 untill his death in 1715. He wa succeeded by his father at the age of 5 years old. He was a really bid ruler of france because he centralized government, military powers, taxation, and further weakened aristocracy.
  • Jacques Necker

    Jacques Necker was a Genevan banker and statesman who served as finance minister for Louis XVI. He was a reformer, but his innovations sometimes caused great discontent. He was known for being swiss statesman and financer.
  • jean-paul marot

    Jean-Paul Marat was a French political theorist, physician, and scientist. A journalist and politician during the French Revolution, he was a vigorous defender of the sans-culottes, a radical voice, and published his views in pamphlets, placards and newspapers.
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette was the last queen of france before the french revolution. She was known for being one of the most iconic characters in versaillies. She had a trial and soon later was convicted by the revolutionary tribunal of high treason.
  • Georges Danton

    George was a french lawyer and a leading figure in the french revolution. He had died by the guillotine on april 5th 1794. He is the minister of justice and he motivated the men to go to war. He became a deputy to the Paris Commune, presided in the Cordeliers district, and visited the Jacobin club.
  • charlotte corday

    Charlotte was a figure of the french revolution who assassinated revolutionary and jacobin leader jean-paul marot. She believed that Marat was threatening the Republic, and that his death would end violence throughout the country
  • Attack on the bastille

    In july 1789 a crowd of parisians feared that king louis XIV was about to arrest frances newly constitution which led to the attack. They did this as a symbol that the king had to much power. It was stormed after they had found out.
  • Jacobins

    Jacobins were members of a french republican organization called the jacobin club at the time of the french revoltuion. The Jacobins were left-wing revolutionaries who aimed to end the reign of King Louis XVI and establish a French republic.
  • Tennis court oath

    The tennis court oath was a big part that set off the french revolution. The men of the third estate swore on oath to never stop meeting until a constitution had been established. "We swear never to separate and to meet wherever circumstances require until the kingdom's Constitution is established and grounded on solid foundations.” is what was said during that meeting.
  • Calling of the estates-general

    The calling of the estates general was a general assembly representing the french estates of the realm summoned by Louis XVI to propose solutions to frances financial problems. It had ended when the third estate formed into a nation assembly, signaling the outbreak of the french revolution.
  • Great fear

    The great fear was a general panic that took place between July 22 to August 6 1789, at the start of the french revolution, rural unrest had been present in France. Was a wave of panic that swept the French countryside. Members of the nobility began to fear for their lives because of the popular uprisings that were spreading rapidly across France.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    The execution of king louis XVI happened because he had been found guilty. The deputies had held a punishment vote against him. Every vote was unanimous. Louis was sentenced to death. Within 24 hours Louis XVI was beheaded by the guilotine.
  • Flight to varennes

    The flight of varennes was the royal familys unsuccessful escape from paris during the night of june 20-21. This is a huge event that happened during the french revolution because it involved king Louis XIV, queen Marie Antoinette, and their kids.
  • Riegn of terror

    The Reign of Terror was a period of the French Revolution when, following the creation of the First Republic, a series of massacres and numerous public executions took place in response to revolutionary fervour, anticlerical sentiment, and accusations of treason by the Committee of Public Safety. The public executions and mass killings of thousands of counter-revolutionary 'suspects' between September 1793 and July 1794
  • The directory is formed

    The directory was the governing five-member committee overthrown napoleon bonaparte in the coup of 18 brumaire and replaced by the consulate. The directory was a penultimate form of goverenment. It was created aftermath of the reign of terror and the committee of public safety.