French Revolution

  • Calling of the Estate General

    the general hadnt been clalled in over 100 years but france was in debt and that needed to be discusses
  • Tennis Court Oath

    the national assembly met on the tennis court and made the tennis court oath with says they will keep meeting until a constituion is made
  • Great Fear

    Peaseants attacked nobles
  • Storming of the Bastille

    king surrounded paris with troops to put down the revolution so the people stormed the bastille
  • Declaration of the rights of man

    national assembly came up with a document close to our Declaration of Independence which states everyone is equal
  • Womens March to Versalles

    women relied on bread to feed the families and when prices rose they stromed versailles. they made the king and queen move to paris to watch them
  • Louis and Marie escape

    they try to escape by dressing like servants but they were caught and sent back to paris
  • Constitution of 1791 is Drafted

    12 members of the constituional committee drafted constitution
  • National Convention

    Legislative Assembly sets aside consitituional snd creates a new governing body called the national convention and it abolished monarchy
  • Reign Of Terror

    people who assumed of being in the revolution were guillotined