French Revolution

  • Storming off the Bastille.

    The first act of rebellion against the king
  • Great fear begins

    People began getting nervous about the crumbling government and coming revolution
  • Women lead a march on Versailles demanding bread

    This shows that all citizens are willing to fight
  • The aristocrats are taken down form power and monopolies are dismantled

    Shows that the revolution is growing violent
  • King attempts to flee france but is stopped and forced to return to paris

    Shows that the king is in fear of his life and that the revolutionaries are winning.
  • Jacobins attack

    The jacobins attack the palace massacring the Swiss guard and taking the king prisoner.
  • Trial and Heir

    The king Is tried and is executed by guillotine
  • Riots continue

    The riots get worse and there is total anarchy.
  • Robespierre

    He was a jacobins that took control but not for long.He was seen. As a tyrant like the now dead king and met the same fate.
  • Napoleon begins

    After the death of Robespierre royalist move to reinstate the monarchy but are stopped by napoleon barnoparte
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon at this point has shown bravery and leader ship and the people make him the new leader of France thus ending the revolution.
  • King returns to paris

    The revolutionaries have him where they want him.