French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • King Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette

    Their marriage was political and they liked to spend too much money.
  • King Louis XVI calls an estates general

    He needs to fix the economy and appease his people so he wants to propose a nobility tax at the estates-general. this does not go well.
  • 3rd Estate breaks away

    The 3rd estate is locked out of the estates general so they make the Tennis Court Oath agreeing that a new constitution be created. This creates the national assembly.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Peasant storm the Bastille prison looking for weapons. This creates the Great Fear: a wave of senseless panich thorughtout France. Peasants terrorize nobles and food prices rise and riots happen and everyone goes crazy.
  • The beginning of having many new governments

    The king has lost his power. The Legislative Assembly create laws and handle wars. Then the National Convention creates a republic of France but is soon taken over by the Jacobins who kill Louis XVI. Maximilion Robespierre, leader of the Comittee of Public Safety, start his reign of terror before he dies by guillotine. Then the Directory is created and has a two house legislature, and gives power to the upper middle class. These governments rule France until Napoleon comes along.
  • Napoleon's Coup d'etat

    Napoleon siezes power from the Directory in a bloodless coup. He creastes many things like the Plebiscite: a vote of the people, which allowed people to vote on creating a new constitution. The Lycees: government ruln public schools. The concordat: an agreement with the Pope, Roman Catholic church was church of France, but not in control. And the Napoleonic Code: a comprehensive system of laws that limited liverties and promoted authority over rights but wasn't that bad.
  • Napoleon crown himself emperor

    He crowns himself emperor of France. He does the Louisiana Purchase with America and signs peace treaties with Russia, Austria and Sweden but not Britain.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar was fought by the Straight of Gibralter off the coast of Spain and was Napoleons first major loss. This battle showed that Britain had the strongest navy and that Napoleon was failing to defeat Britain on all fronts.
  • Blockade

    Napoleon creates the Continental System to embargo Britain. It doesn't work too well and he loses control of the countries under his rule.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Russia was trading with Britain so Napoleon invaded. The Russians adopted the scorched-earth policy where they burned fields and killed animals so as to leave nothing for the invading army. Napoleon underestimated them and the Russian winter so lost almost all of his men.
  • Exiled

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba.
  • Return

    The people are unhappy with their ruler after Napoleon leaves so he comes back and they rally to him. He then performs another bloodless coup.
  • 100 Days

    Napoleon raises and army and attacks Prussian and British troop massing near France.
  • Waterloo and Exile

    The Prussian and British troop defeat Napoleon and he is again exiled where he dies after six years on St. Helena.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The countries of Europe gathered to decide what to do with France. This prompted everyone to work together and this created 40 years of stability in Europe.