French and Haitian Revolution

  • Meeting of General Estates

    This was the first meeting of all the generals from the Frist, Second & Thrid Estate since 1614. The meetingwas held to help with finanical stability and to get a control on the conflict.(
  • Storming of Bastille

    The state prison was attacked by an angry and very worked up mob that tried to take out the prison. This event set the tone for the revolution because it was very bold and had a lot of importance.(
  • Declration of Rights of Man and Citizen

    The Declaration was the basic principle of all men are born equal and remain free and equal in rights. This gave man the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and sepration of powers.(
  • March on Versailles

    7000 employed women went to the royal palcace to try to prove their point of inequaility. The women made a stand and put an end the great monarchy.
  • The French National Assembly granted free Balkcs full French rights in Saint Domingue

    Full rigts were granted to blacks and colored people for equility of ALL human beings this time
  • Gens De Colour demand equal rights

    "Free men of color" demands eqaul rights along with free whites. The Declraation of Man & Citizen was actually used.
  • Beheading of King Louis XIV

    The execution of The King is known as a "wrongplace, wrong time" kind of thing. A lot of people were very happy about this because he was very selfish and lied a lot. (eyewitness.history)
  • Reign of Terror

    This was a period of volience that occurred after The French Revolution. There were mass executions held. Which led to chaos.
  • French Forces admit defeat to the slave armies and evacuate their forces

    The French amries fought the slave army and lost 50,000 men in battle the French then backed down and this taught them a lesson on where they stand.
  • The Colony Saint Domingue is abolished

  • Napoleon is Emperor

    Napoleon crowned himself and he was the first fremchman in a thousand years to hold title of the emperor. His selfishness was shown and he was not liked. His true colors then he got punished. (