Early dark ages

Frankish Kingdom

By mcd2143
  • 511

    Clovis' rule ends

    Clovis extended to france and western germany and then died
  • 511

    Empire divided into 4 parts after Clovis' death

    Empire divided into 4 parts after Clovis' death
    His four sons each received a part of the empire.
  • Oct 15, 714

    Charles Martel begins his rule

    Charles Martel begins his rule
    Defeats the Moors at the Battle of Tours during his rule.
  • Oct 15, 741

    Pepin the short

    Pepin the short
    Pepin the short succeeds his father Charles Martel
  • Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    Gauls defeat the early Roman Empire and sack Rome.
  • Clovis begins his rule

    Clovis begins his rule
    During his rule, he converts to Christianity after winning a battle.
  • Ostrogoths defeat the Franks.

    Ostrogoths defeat the Franks.
    Ostrogoths defeat the Franks.
  • Franks defeat Holy Roman Empire

    Franks defeat Holy Roman Empire
    Franks defeat Holy Roman Empire.
  • Charlemange fights Muslims in Spain.

    Charlemange fights Muslims in Spain.
    Charlemagne fought muslims in spain and expanded his empire.