Evolution of the Muslim empire

  • 635

    Battle of Yarmouk

    Battle of Yarmouk
  • Period: 635 to 661

    The Orthodox Caliphs

    The first caliphs were members of Muhammad's family.
    They controlled the Arabian Peninsula
    They defeated the Byzantine Empire ( Syria ,Palestine and Egypt )
    And they subdued Neo-Persian Empire ( Mesopotamia and Persia )
  • 636

    Battle of Kadisya

    Battle of Kadisya
  • Period: 661 to 750

    The Umayyad Caliphate

    The caliph passed to Umayyad dynasty ( capital Damascus )
    They reached: Samarkand, India and Iberian Peninsula.
  • Period: 750 to 1258

    The Abbasid Caliphate

    After a civil war , the caliph passed to Abbasid dynasty ( capital : Baghdad )

    Between 8th and 10th century was the golden age of the Caliphate After that it went to decline