Europe in the Middle Ages

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    Roman Empire

    Roman Empire
    Provides safety to all lands it controls. Respectful to greeks, let them keep ways of life. considered biggest empire. jesus born in this time. famous; building roads, latin, republic government, calendar, invinted concrete and aqueducts, spain, france, portugual, eqypt, arabia, turkey, greece, italy, england, are all parts of romes conquered land.
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    Fall Of Rome

    Fall Of Rome
    the fall of rome caused the dark ages, rome was sacked, the romans didnt feel safe. it ruined everything. The trade movement decreased and the money decreased too. everything fell apart.
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    Catholic Church (in charge)

    Catholic Church (in charge)
    the strongest person usually comes and tries to fix everything. no unity until the catholic church stepped up to be a strong dictiacal forve. voice of god dissagreed with them then you dissagreed with god. the catholic church took over to try to bring everything back together and tried to remake all rules and technology.
  • Sep 26, 700


    Attacks all vikings, which forces the viking villages to build walls around their city for protection. it was run by kings and nobels. kings: appointed by pope or god. you were a noble by herritage. sergs were bron their lot in life. if yo momma was a serf than you was a serf.
  • Sep 26, 1096

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    causes muslems to take holy land. effects- trade increases, between europeans and asians. people feel safe to travel. people start leabing the manor to trade and trabel. feudalism- weakens. find out that muslims preserbed greek and roman writing. read writinigs from past empire that was great an dthey wish to be like that. lead to renaisssance. experienced tea and milk.
  • Sep 26, 1350

    The renaissance

    The renaissance
    one result of the crusades is renaissance, caused bubonic plauge. that killed 1/3 of the europeans. rebirth of classical greek and roman empire. promoted art humanity education and reading.
  • Sep 26, 1450

    The printing press

    The printing press
    invinted by- Guetenburg who was German. Caused books to be more acessible spreading the renaisansse movement. Bibles were printed. this caused the catholic church to lose all its power.
  • Sep 26, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation
    Martin luther. Germany. Cathollic mark, reads bible. decides cathlic insnt behaving properly. nails a 95 thesis to the door. hopes to reform cathloic church. but, tehy say no your excomunnicated. started protastant reformation. now people can read bible. effects: sects religious perciucation followed. catholics and protestants persecuted each other. kings and nations got in the mix. wanted to leave europoe for religious freedom.