Emme's time line

By seafan
  • born

    born in bountiful hospital and I was bald
  • 1 birthday

    It was my first birthday and so yeah I don't remember it at all!
  • Christmas day

    I caracked my head open and we had to go to the hospital and they glued my eye shut for a couple of hours then they got it opened again
  • 2 birthday

    my second bitthday it was probably so much fun its just I can't remember all that well!
  • Disney World

    we went to disney world for aweek and it was so much fun except for I got sick with scarlet fever and strep throat! not fun!!
  • 3 birthday

    my 3 birthday, I still can't rember it that much so I don't know what happened!
  • 9/11

    I was 3 and 8 monthes so I don't remeber it all that well!
  • 4 birthday

    my fourth birthday I had a cinderella party it was so much fun!!