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Who Am I?

  • Period: to

    Who Am I?

    This is a list of all of the milestones I have faced in my life that I can remember.
  • First Time Riding a Bike

    First Time Riding a Bike
    Riding my bike for the very first time was an exciting moment for me at that age. After practicing many times I had finally mastered the skill of turning the pedals and handling the steering.
  • 5th Birthday

    5th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • 6th Birthday

    6th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • 7th Birthday

    7th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • 8th Birthday

    8th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • 9th Birthday

    9th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • Gymnastics Award

    Gymnastics Award
    Recieving a gymnastics award was a goal that I achieved from hard physical and emotional development. I had to spend hours practicing laborous moves and I also had to alter my emotions (focus, determination and strength) to succeed.
  • 10th Birthday

    10th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • Recieving a Speaking Award

    Recieving a Speaking Award
    This event marked my cognitive development. I had recieved the confidence and ability to succesfully speak in front of a large group of people at school.
  • 11th Birthday

    11th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • Going to Florida for the First Time

    Going to Florida for the First Time
    Going to Florida for the first time was one of the most exciting things I have ever done up until that point in my life. The experience was a memorable and intriguing milestone that would be cosidered more of a emotional development growth.
  • 12th Birthday

    12th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • 13th Birthday

    13th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • 14th Birthday

    14th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • First Time on the Honour Roll

    First Time on the Honour Roll
    Being on the honour roll for the first time was a milestone that had been a visual representation of how much hard work I had put into my school work. This milestone signifies my emotional and cognitive development. I had to have had at least an 80% average to reach this goal.
  • 15th Birthday

    15th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • Getting My First Job

    Getting My First Job
    This accomplishment has placed me in the envrionment of adulthood. This development was physical, intellectual, social, moral and personality. I gained physical strength, the knowledge of how to deal with guests, and gaining self-realization.
  • Getting My License

    Getting My License
    The eventful moment provided me with an intellectual and emotional development. I gained the skill and the thrill of the accomplishment of being able to legally drive.
  • First Kiss

    First Kiss
    Although my first kiss was with someone I hadn't known very well, this milestone set me in the environment of adolescence. I had felt the thrill of rushing emotions and also the social acceptance of finally having my first kiss.
  • 16th Birthday

    16th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • First Time Getting an Ipod

    First Time Getting an Ipod
    Getting an Ipod seems like a small milestone but growing up I've never been extremely priveledged (I'd always get my older brother's hand me downs). This event marks my social growth, being accepted my the peer groups my age.
  • Accepted to Volunteer at KidsAbility

    Accepted to Volunteer at KidsAbility
    Working as a child psychologist has always been one of my largest career objectives and being accepted to help volunteer at KidsAbility was an extreme accomplishment. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take the position becuase of the hours that I'd have to help.
  • 17th Birthday

    17th Birthday
    Each birthday has a significant milestone. In my opinion aging each year is a milestone in itself.
  • Applying to University

    Applying to University
    Applying to University was an extreme milestone which placed me in the stage of finalizing High School and beginning post-secondary education. This milestone was mostly emotional becuase I felt proud of myself for achieving an almost complete high school diploma.
  • Being Accepted into Univeristy

    Being Accepted into Univeristy
    Being accepted into the University of Waterloo was one of the most exciting and self-rewarding milestones that I have so far recieved in my life time. This milestone marks my emotional, cognitive and social development. I'm happy about my success, I've gained the knowledge to be a part of the post-secondary environment and I am also socially accepted for attending more schooling.
  • Buying my First Car

    Buying my First Car
    This event may not seem as though it's a milestone but being able to purchase an expensive object all on your own is an accomplishment. This milestone marks my steps towards adulthood.