Discussions with DHEC

  • Legacy Park Pool Page Claimed

    Legacy Park Pool Page Claimed
  • February Meeting - Adult use of Slides during Adult Swim

    February Meeting - Adult use of Slides during Adult Swim
    Josh asked about the Adults being able to use the slides during the Lifeguard's Safety breaks. Laura said she'd look into it.
  • Answer for Josh's Question RE Adult use of Slides tabled till March

    Answer for Josh's Question RE Adult use of Slides tabled till March
    Per Richard Welch we should be able to have adults use the slides as long as we have someone watch the slides watching the slides. March Minutes: Laura Bain reported on the DHEC regulations, legislation and rules that forced the change mid-season last year. Christie reported that SCM seems willing to work with us to allow adults to use the slide during the 10 minute safety break by allowing the Gate Attendant to be the “slide monitor” and rotating the lifeguards through the safety breaks.
  • DHEC requirements discussed in detail

    Christie relayed the Board’s requirement that we discuss a plan of action in the case of over-crowding at the pool . Laura detailed the DHEC rules and legislation about our pool
    including the fact that our pool is classified differently if the sl ides are open/running. I f we have too many swimmers to run the sl ides (per DHEC) we can shut down the slides to allow
    for the maximum swimmers.
  • SCMG On-Site meeting

    Wherein Brian said they would shut down the slides "somewhere around 75 swimmers" - contrary to the original emails which detailed that we would plan to shut down the slides or call in another guard when we reached around 100 swimmers.
  • Memorial Day weekend - SCMG failures

    No gate attendant for 1.5 hours. Slides were turned off when there were 52 children and 8 adults in the pool.
  • Zach measures our pool and attempts to apply Type A requirements to our Type E pool

    SCMG: Zack measured the pool today and it is over 3000 square feet. This means that we need 2 lifeguards at a minimum, PLUS an attendant at the top of the slide and a lifeguard at the base of the slide (4 people in total). Based on the chart below we would need 5 people when 26-50 people are in the water and 6 people on the pool when 51-150 people are in the water (such as this weekend). This change is something that needs to happen immediately for us to operate inside of DHEC requirements.
  • DHEC approves our Lifegurad Plan for our Type E pool

    We recieve approval from David Wilson at DHEC for our Lifeguard plan, which states we will have our pool staffed WELL ABOVE all requirements laid out in DHEC regulations.
  • DHEC rescinds the approval

    The excuse "we don't know what to do, so our legal department is going to say it is reasonable to make you staff your pool as if it were a public, municipal pool, even though we know you are not a public municiple pool."
  • DHEC refuses to speak with any member of the Pool Committee

    Claims that they will only speak with Melvin Stroble since he is President of the HOA. (Melvin does not have approval to speak on behlf of LP in this matter).
  • Troy Guild is approved to speak with DHEC but promises not to

    Board votes to allow Troy to speak to DHEC regarding this issue. Troy and Laura talk, werein Troy says he will NOT speak to DHEC unless and until he recieves official notification from DHEC/David Wilson.
  • Troy emails DHEC telling them he's looking forward to working with them

    in direct contradiction to the conversation with Laura about communicating with DHEC on Friday. Troy tells DHEC he plans to submit a Lifeguard Plan to them the middle of the week of July 8th. The plan Troy drafts requires LP to staff additional lifeguards (at an additional cost to the HOA) for the forseeable future, in contradiction to the SC law and DHEC regulations.