Israel palestine map edit 1353601538.24

Dead people of the 20th Century!!!

  • The conquest of Saudi Arabia

    The conquest of Saudi Arabia
    The History of Saudi Arabia The conquest of creating the kingdom of Saudi Arabia started in the year 1902 when kings Abdulaziz Bn Saud had the vision of creating this magnificant kingdom. This affected my life because i am from Saudi Arabia and without this conquest i wouldn't be the person i am right now, i wouldn't be Saudi.
  • The McMahon-Hussien Correspondence

    The McMahon-Hussain Correspondence are a series of letters that were sent between those two political officials regarding giving land to the Arabs in world war 1 and mainly about arab land. These letters created a relationship between the British and the Arabs at that time that was considered stronge in a way but not equal, the Arabs go played on at the end
  • Sykes–Picot Agreement

    Sykes–Picot Agreement
    The Sykes-Picot Agreement was basically a secret agreement between the Fench, Britihs and Russian to creat spheres of influences in the middle east and basically destroy the ottomans at that time and take over the middle east. When this secret agreement was unleashed it created hardship between countries because it showed a hiden piece of the puzzle and it showed the Ottomans what the British were pannig to do with them.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    The Balfour Declaration was basically the reason behind the Arab-Israel conflict because it is what gave a jewish homeland for the jews in palastine and then the jews took over by their greed and ppower and Palastine never recovered again.
  • Oil in Saudi Arabia

    Oil in Saudi Arabia
    In the year 1923, Oil was found in Saudi Arabia, and this was mainly why Saudi Arabia became a really important after that because it had nearly half of the world oil reserves so it basically controles the energy of the world. In addition, this created an indutrialization and a modernization period in Saudi arabia thus increasing living standars and wealth as well.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was a series of events led by the Nazis to kill people that ae not like them, however, the Jews at that time were intencly targeted thus created in the massacre of many jews and nearly extencting them. This caused the Jews to think of creating a Jewish homeland in Palastine thus affecting the Arab world's futur.
  • Iranian Islamic Fundimentalist movements (Shiism)

    Iranian Islamic Fundimentalist movements (Shiism)
    Ayatolla led the Iranian fundimentalism movement that spreas sheism widly and with great extent, His reform was basically creating a industrialized and modernized islamic radical society. This created many conflicts between the Sunni countries such as Iraq and Saudi arabia with Iran because of religious reaons.
  • The Arab League

    The Arab League
    The Arab League is basically a constitution between Arab countries that make them share a common goal thus increasing their power and making their word a stronger one. It's goal was to also maintain peace between eachother and defend the Arab states from outside attacks on them as a whole and a united power.
  • Al-Nakba

    It's a bad dy for us, but a happy day for the Israeli people. The Nakba was when the Israelis officially took over parts of palistine and named it Islaer rather than Palistine. Palistinians were exiled and killed, peoples heart were broken, they were lively dead.
  • Al-Naksa

    The Naksa is after the loss of the Arabs agains Israel in the 6 day war. Israel at that time proved to be really smart and strong militarly where it defeated 6 armies in one war. The israelis took over the Gaza strip and the west Bank as a result of their victory. They expand into Palastine and Palastinnians suffered more and more, many more palastinians were exiled and killed.