
Contact! First settlers and First nation aboriginals

  • Dec 31, 1000

    Norse Explorers land in North America.

    Norse Explorers land in North America.
    • Norse explorer Bjarni accidently discovers Atlantic America after being blown off course from Greenland, doesn't land in North America however.
    • When explorer Leif returned to Greenland following his expedition, he arose interest in locals to explore further south
    • The explorer Thorfinn led the most ambitious expedition, including the migration of women and livestock.
    • The settlement was abandoned after two-three years because of hostilities with the local Natives.
  • Period: Dec 31, 1000 to

    1000 CE- 1608 CE

  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot, European settlers arrive in North America.

    John Cabot, European settlers arrive in North America.
    • Cabot landed on the norhtern coast of Newfoundland, claiming the land for England, Christianity and the King.
    • Cabot's discovery of the Grand Banks caused a steady stream of Basque, Portugese and English fishers to the shores of Newfoundland.
    • Cabot's contact with the local Beothuk was generally misunderstood and violent and many deaths.
    • Unlike Inuit's in the north who shared an interest of whaling, Beothuk's had trouble finding a reason to bond with the European settlers.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    1500- European diseases ravish Native population.

    1500- European diseases ravish Native population.
    • Aboriginal lifestyle was polar opposite to the Settlers lifestyle. Native's were hunter-gatherers. Settlers were technological advanced.
    • European brought smallpox, influenza, diphteria, typhus, tuberculosis and mumps over to North America.
    • These diseases raged through the Native population. 90-93 percent of Aboriginal's were killed by foreign diseases.
    • The spread of disease caused a sense of distrust amongst the aborginals and the early European settlers.
  • May 10, 1534

    Cartier and the French settle in North America (

    Cartier and the French settle in North America (
    • Cartier's original goal was to find passage to Asia to find gold.
    • He successfully held meetings with three different groups of Aboriginal people, no one was injured or killed.
    • Speculation that Cartier took advantage of the Aborginal's trust, hunting their wildlife and took Iroquois aboriginals hostage back to France
    • Cartier refused to learn to understand the Iroquois political and social system
    • After settling along the St. Lawrence, Cartier's settlers spread European diseases.
  • May 23, 1541

    Cartier's final voyage to Canada.

    Cartier's final voyage to Canada.
    • For his final voyage to the new world, Cartier brought with him 5 ships stocked with soldiers, convicts, farm animals and adventurers.
    • A guerilla war between the angered Iroquois and Cartier occured during the winter of 1541-42.
    • Anyone who ventured outside the fort in Cap Rouge was killed. 35 Frenchmen died by the end of winter.
    • Cartier had left Canada by the spring of 1542, and never returned.
  • Samuel de Champlain establishes Quebec City

    Samuel de Champlain establishes Quebec City
    • Champlain established three main buildings on the shore of the "point of Quebec".
    • The original intention of the settlement of Quebec was to gain an advantage in the fur trade.
    • While settling Quebec city, an assassination plot arose to eliminate Champlain It was defeated.
    • The harsh winter took a toll on Champlains group of settlers. Only 8 of the 28 survived.