Climate action: the future we want! Our plan

  • Who We Are

    Let's enter twinspace and start our presentations!
  • Period: to

    Getting to know each other!

    We will learn more about our interests, our town and our school.
    We can make padlets, podcasts, interviews or quizzes.
  • Period: to

    Climate change: definition and causes

    We can make multilingual glossaries, posters, digital presentations. We can also take photos and videos or prepare personal paintings.
  • Vote the project logo

    We will vote the best logo among the paintings the pupils are making within 15th February
  • Period: to

    Climate change: effects

    We can create digital presentations, photo galleries, make news or interviews and write local reports.
  • Period: to

    Get involved and share ideas and simple solutions

    We can share our ideas using a padlet or videos. We can write our own song, poem or an advertising on the topic "A better earth's future".
  • Live event

    We can create a live event on the platform and discuss on a specific topic.
  • Period: to

    Feedback and evaluation

    We can make a final e-book to collect most of our works.