
Blood Timeline

  • Aug 1, 1200

    Pulmonary Circulation

    Pulmonary Circulation
    During the mid-1200s physician Eminent Carlo Ibn al-nafis discovered pulmonary circulation. In other words, described the flow of the blood to anf from the lungs.
  • RBC's

    In 1674 Anton Van Leellwenhoek was able to provide a better description of RBC's not even having a clue about the work of Swammerdam and Malpigni. He approximated the cell of RBC's to be "25,00 times smaller than a fine grain of sand."
  • First blood transfusion

    First blood transfusion
    The first known blood transfusion happened in the 17th century. First, animal to animal and later from animal to human.
  • Red blood cells

    Red blood cells
    At the end of the 17th century, scientists had been able to describe, evaluate, and measure RBC's.
  • Footnote in Medical Journal

    Footnote in Medical Journal
    Although this information is not published, a footnote in a medical journal claims physician Philip Syng physick to have done the first human to human blood transfusion.
  • Blood Transfusion

    Blood Transfusion
    Physiologist and eminent British obstertrician James Blundell performed the first RECORDED human to human blood transfusion. He injected a patient with 12-14 onces from many donors with a syringe. The patient didnt live but was showing improvment.
  • Human Blood Groups

    Human Blood Groups
    Karl Landsteiner a austrian physician published a paper on the main human blood groups, A, B and C which later on changes to O but he himself had discovered them. Based on the paper, he says that two differrent antibodies exist in the aggulation.
  • New Blood Group

    New Blood Group
    Collegues of physician Karl Landsteiner who had dis discovered the three main human blood groups made a discovery. The found the 4th blood group AB which causes aggulation in the red blood cells A and B.
  • Cross Matching

    Cross Matching
    At Mount Sinal hospital in New York, the very first cross matching blood transfusion was performed.
  • Formulation to prevent coagulation

    Formulation to prevent coagulation
    Dr. Richard Lewisohn formulated a concentration of sodium citrate that could be mixed with donor blood to prevent coagulation. The process did no harm to the recipient.
  • Citrate Glucose Solution

    Citrate Glucose Solution
    Francis Peyton Rous and J.R Turney developed a citrate-glucose solution at the Rockefeller Institute in NY. The solution allowed blood to remain well for transfusion after being stored for weeks after its collection.
  • First Blood Depot

    First Blood Depot
    Dr. Oswald Robertsonh established the first blood depot while serving in the U.S. army. He did this by collecting and storing Type O blood with citrate-glucose solution.
  • Cadavar blood

    Cadavar blood
    Dr. Serge Yudin was the first to test the process of transfusing a human with cadacar blood. He resusutated a young man who attempted to suicide by injecting him with cadavar blood taken from a 60 year old man. The soviets became the first to have a network of facilties who stored blood for the use of transfusions done in hospitals.
  • Barcelona Blood Transfusion Service

    Barcelona Blood Transfusion Service
    Physician Federico Duran- Jorda established the Barcelona blood transfusion service. Blood was being transported by vehicles with refrigerators to front line hospitals during the spanish civil war.
  • Rh and anti-Rh

    Rh and anti-Rh
    Dr. Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiender experimented with RBC's in rhesus monkeys and discovered the blood group Rh. They also identified the antibody anti-Rh that was found in a woman who had given birth to a still born during 1939.
  • Seperating proteins

    Seperating proteins
    Harvard biochemist Edwinconn invented a method of seperating out different proteins while searching for a substitute for liquid plasma. Each protein is thought to conain different theraputic peoperties.
  • Blood donor service

    Blood donor service
    The first blood donor service opened in New York. By doing so, Red Cross collected over 13 million units of blood over the course of the war.
  • Jaundice in blood transfusions

    Jaundice in blood transfusions
    Dr. Phill Beeson's report in the Journal of the American Medical Assosciation linked the happening of jaundice in 7 cases of blood plasma transfusions. This provided the quintessential description of transfussion- transmitted hepatitis.
  • Revolutionize of blood collection

    Revolutionize of blood collection
    Dr, Carl Walter developed a plastic bag to store blood in, Before he had done so, blood was being stored in glass bottles. The creation revolutionized blood collection.
  • Hemoglobin

    Dr. Max Perutz who was working at cambridge university unravelled the structure of hemoglobin through the use of x-ray crystallography. Hemoglobin is the protein within RBC's that carries oxygen.
  • Trigger of antibodies

    Trigger of antibodies
    Dr. Baruch Blumberg identified the trigger of antibodies which was on the surface of hepatitis virus. His research led to the ability to identify infected blood donors.
  • AIDS

    The first case of AIDS was reported. At first, the syndrome was called GRID (Gay- related Immunology Deficiency Disease) due to its occurance through gay men.
  • Virus causing AIDS

    Virus causing AIDS
    Researchers at Dr. Luc Montagners lab in France isolated the virus that caused AIDS. They locted it in the neck of an AIDS patient and labelened it LAV.
  • ELISA test

    ELISA test
    After dozens of Americans were infected with AIDS by having had a blood tansfusion, the ELISA test is licensed by the US government on March 2. The test is able to detect the presence/absence of HIV antibodies was adopted by american blood banks and plasma centers.
  • 1987-2002

    More sensetive tests are developed to screen donated blood for infectus deseases. This directly detected the genetic material of viruses like HIV.