Steven's Birthday
Granny hosted a wonderful dinner in honor of Steven, and we showered him with gifts -
Superbowl Sunday
Saint's Website
The family gathered together to watch the Saints win the Superbowl. -
Afternoon Lunch
A family gethering just to catch up with each other. Uncle Dylan brought his two children, Ian and Aiden, with him. I was very excited because I don't get to see them very often! -
Bridal Shower #1
My mother-in-law Katy and grandmother-in-law Pat hosted a bridal shower for me at Mrs. Pat's house. Everyone from Steven's family came and my mother, grandmother, and bridesmaids all attended. We played a game where two teams competed by making a wedding dress out of toilet paper. Then I had to judge it. It was so much fun! -
Bridal Shower #2
My aunt Kathy held a bridal shower for me at my Granny's church. All of my family showed up to congratulate me on getting married. I appreciated everything they did for me. -
Bridal Shower #3
Lauren threw me a bridal shower at my mom's house. She invited all of my friends and we played several games! It was a blast. I got a lot of thoughful gifts from my friends. The gifts were very useful, but more importantly they were creative and fun. -
Wedding Day
Everyone in both mine and Steven's family came to support our unity in matrimony. I was so happy to have all of our friends and family witness the most important day in my life thus far! -
Lauren's Birthday
My parents treated the entire family to a birthday tradition in our family...Los Rancheros
Tyler bought my aister a beautiful necklace and she wears it everyday! -
John's Birthday
John aka Dad celebrated his birthday with the entire family at Outback Steak house. Everyone gethered together to brag about how young he looks for his age =) Then we headed to my parents house for dessert and coffee -
Lynn's Birthday
My mom celebrated her birthday by not having to cook or clean the house at all. We had a nice dinner, then came back to my house for refreshments. Dylan and the boys came over too. So my sister played with them on my laptop. They are quite smart for only 4 and 5 year olds -
Ian's Birthday
Ian's birthday party was held at Granny's house. I bought him the cutest cop outfit. =) I really enjoyed getting to see Ian and Aiden. They are growing up sp fast.