Tyler Clisham French Rev

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    Deficit Spending by the Government and Economic Reform

    http://www.smartturnout.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/louis.jpg' >King Louis 14th</a>France was spending more money then they were bringing in. The Seven Years War and the American Revelution hurt the bank even more. They had to keep borrowing more and more money due to King Louis 14th excessive spending. With the nobles and the clergy not having to pay taxes it didnt help the debt. Jacques Necker, a financial advisor, told France that the spending had to stop and they needed to tax everyone. Nobles didn't like this so they fired him.
  • King Calls the Estates-General

    King Calls the Estates-General
    In 1789 King Louis 16th had all three estates prepare notebooks listing their grievances. Many people came back calling for reforms such as fairer taxes, freedom of the press and regular meetings. The Third Estates now claim to represent the people of France calling themselves The National Assembly.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    Parisians became upset when rumors said that royal troops were going to occupy the capital. More than 800 angry Parisians came to the Bastille wanting weapons and gunpowder. The Bastille refused and opened fire on the crowd killing five. Now they are furious and break into the Bastille killing the commander, five guards, and freeing prisioners. While in the Bastille they realized that there isn't any weapons or gunpowder.
  • Rights of Man

    Rights of Man
    The National Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man. This states that all men were "Born and remain free and eqaul in rights".
  • Woman's March

    Woman's March
    Women became upset with the Declaration of the Rights of Man because it didn't grant the woman equal citizenship too. More than 6,000 woman marched to see the King shouting "Bread' demanding him to go back to Paris.
  • Church Looses Power

    Church Looses Power
    The French Catholic Church is put under state control due to huge amounts of debt. The National Assembly voted to take over the church and sell all its land.
  • Threats from Abroad

    Threats from Abroad
    The King of Prussia issues the Declaration of Pilnitz. In this document it states that two monarchs threaten to intervene to protect the French Monarchy. This might be fake but the French take this very seriously preparing for war.
  • The Consitution

    The Consitution
    In 1791 the National Assembly set up a limited monarchy in place of the absolute monarchy that ruled France for many years. Making laws to collect taxes and decide on issues of war and peace. Ended church involvment in government.
  • Radicals Declare War

    Radicals Declare War
    Many men and women demand a government ruled by elected representatives instead of a monarch. They find support with the Radicals. In April they declare war first on Austria, then Prussia, Britain, and other states.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    Radicals took over the assembly and voted to create a legislative body called the National Convention. Then in September the convention met and voted to abolish the monarchy and establish the French Republic. They take land from nobles and abolished titles of nobility.
  • Nationalism

    Declaration and war gave France a strong sence of National identity.By 1793 France became their own Nation. To celebrate their country people went to festivals and created the French Anthem at the events. Nationalis is when you have a strong feeling or pride in and devotion to one's country.
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    Reign of Terror

    Reign of TerrorMaximilien Robespierre is the leader of a new commitee called Committee of Public Safety. He said that liberty can not be secured unless criminals loose thier heads. His idea was that terror was necessary to achive goals of the Revolution. The main usage of death was the Guillotine. Robespierre was executed on July 28, 1794
  • Third Stage of Revolution

    Third Stage of Revolution
    The Constitution of 1795 set up a five man Directory and a two-house legislature elected by male citizens of property. The Directory held power from 1795-1799. Chaos threatened so politicains turned to Napoleon Bonaparte. Later Napoleon becomes the leader of France