6th wyntk

By DougBob
  • The louisiana purchase

    The louisiana purchase
    The louisiana purchase was a great thing,the land doubled,trading got a huge boost, there was more room for americans. The land doubled becuase it was such abig purchase. it only cost us 15 million dollars, for 800 square miles. Thats around 4cents a acre. trading opend up alot for farmers. beacuase the missippi river it opend up areas around it to trading so people there could trade hundreds of miles away. why was it such abig deal. well the land doubled. and more housing oppertunities.
  • corps of discovery part two

    corps of discovery part two
    survive. Sacagawea played a big role in this she dug up roots they also had to figure out ways not to capsize the boat. The corps of discovery did make it to the west coast but not entirely by water. But all in all they were successful.
  • corps of discovery

    corps of discovery
    Lewis and Clark set out in 1804 they had an interesting adventure. Consisting of meeting a young lady named Sacagawea, meeting tribes, and the part time dying. Sacagawea was a lady that gave birth 2 months before leaving. That helped navigate the trails saved there life’s, all while carrying a baby. They came into lots of tribes. They usually made it out a live but sometimes the expedition almost came to a screeching halt. With the occasional winter and hostile tribe the crew still managed to su
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    the revoltinary war part 2 is another name for the war of 1812. this war happend beacuase the british didnt want us trading with france.but we did any ways so they stopped are ships, then went to war with us. this was right after a peacxe treaty was signed.so the war was piont less. not so much beacuase we had to show brittian we can. but we didnt win we ended in stale mate soneither of us won. we just tied
  • flordia territory

    flordia territory
    this land is very intresting,it envolves a mad olonel that wants to take over the territory,run away slaves,and more land than we thought.the collonel was andrew jackson he went around over throwing spanish villigaes, wich inturn upset spain.but we actualy wanted the middle of flordia. thats were all the run away slaves were and if you know plantation owners they like ther slaves. we finaly forced spain to sell it to us so we wouldnt be breaking laws to hunt slaves.
  • the monroe doctrine

    the monroe doctrine
    how would you like for your brother or sister not to go in your room,thats what the monroe doctrinewas. it basicly siad no conntent on the eastern hemisphere can interfeer with a western hemisphere country. Also the monroe doctrine siad that no country not already here can force there belifes on theweaker countrys. this also made a few europian countrys upset.But also made the little baby countrys here extremly happy.
  • trail of tears

    trail of tears
    Would you love to be forced out of your home and walk thousands of miles. That's what thousands of Native Americans had to do just because we wanted more area to live in. Most native Americans made it to Oklahoma, where they lived out their lives miserably. We should not have done this.
  • mexican americian war

    mexican americian war
    The Mexican american war was going to decide who got the southwest part of the united states. We did but It wasn't that easy to get. We fought for two years. We gained 13 different territory's. The only way the war would end would be the treaty of Guadalupe heldago. Which stated that we had won. this may have been just a short battle but was one of the biggest land gains in history
  • texas

    According to most Texans their state is the best that's not interly true but the way they became a state was maybe the best. Texas started out as a Mexican colony and fought for independence. The colony of Texas was ruled by a mean man named Santa Anna who tried to force the beliefs of the Spanish government on the residents . Which then led to a uprising. Then after many battles Texas. Finally won and they were a independent republic. led by Sam Houston. Texas finally became a state in 1848
  • Oregon

    54 40 or fight is one of the most common things said in the Oregon territory. This stood for the land that united states wanted. They wanted the land to the 54th latitude line to the 40th latitude line. We where willing to fight for the land but we did not want to fight so we decided on the 49th latitude line. We still got a pretty good deal.