
The French Revolution

By dilachy
  • National Assembly Declared

  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Oath was a pledge to sovereignty of the people of France, and that peoples freedom no longer resided with King, but in the people themselves. It was signed by 576 out of the 577 members from the Third Estate in a tennis court.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille Prison in Paris marked the day of the French Revolution. A mob of angry citizens marched into the prison and practically destroyed it. The Bastille represented the authoritarian ways of the king and so the destruction of it was highly symbolical.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is a document that was written during the French Revolution. It outlined every man's rights as a citizen- such as freedom of speech and media- and became the first written document to do so.
  • The Kings recognition of the National Assembly

    King Louis XVI was forced into calling the National assembly after several hundred years. It established and represented the three estates in France.
  • King Louis XVI accepts the Constitution

  • King Louis tries to flee to Austria

    Louis and his family attempted to flee France to Austria in order to get away from the radical revolutionaries in the country. However he was caught at Varennes and brought back to Paris.
  • Champ-de-Mars massacre

    A crowd had gathered to sign a petition against Louis XVI on July 17, 1791. The crowd grew immense and the national guard in an attempt to control it, killed a significant amount of people. Despite the guards threats, the people did not back down, which shows the determination of the people of France during the revolution.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace.

    On August 10, 1792 an angry mob of nearly 30,000 French citizens marched to the Tuileries Palace where the King resided in orfer to capture him. Louis and family, however fled before the invasion.
  • King Louis XVI was put on Trial

    The trial of King Louis XVI was a key point in the French Revolution. The king was tried and charged with 33 convictions, which ultimately led to his execution.
  • King Louis XVI was executed

    King Louis XVI was tried by the National Convention, and found guilty of treason. He was executed by guillotine by his own people.
  • Start of the Reign of Terror

    The reign of terror which lasted a year and one month was a period of violence during the French Revolution. It was due to the conflict between the Girondins and the Jacobins. An estimated 30, 000 people lost their lives under the guillotine.
  • Assasination of Jean-Paul Marat

    Author of the influential paper ' L'Ami du peuple' was assasinated by Charlotte Corday a Girondin supporter who came from a royalist family. This event showed the opposition to the French Revolution and the merciless events that occured due to differences in opinion.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Maximilien Robespierre was executed because some had believed he was becoming much like the tyrant they had just gotten rid of. His merciless killing of thousands of people changed peoples opinion about him. He was executed without a trial.
  • The Directory assumed the role of governing France

    After the fall of Robespierre and the Jacobins, the Directory assumed control of France until 1799. This markked the end of the French Revolution.