French revolution 2

The French Revolution

  • Calling of The Estates General

    Calling of The Estates General
    The meeting opened at Versailles. The Third Estate wanted to set up a constitutional government that would make the clergy and nobility pay taxes as well. But there was a voting problem where the 1st and 2nd Estates thought that each estate should have one vote which ment the first two estates could outvote the 3rd. While the Third Estate thought each member had a vote. The King declared he was in favor of the current system where each Estate had one vote.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The 3rd estate calls themselfs the National Assembly and decides to draft a constitution. They want to represent the entire nation and will enact reforms with or with out the other two Estates.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The people of the Third Estate arrive at their meeting place to find the doors locked. They decided to move to a nearby tennis court where they took the oath swearing that they will continue to meet untill they have a finished French constitution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A mob of Parisians stormed the Bastille which was a French prision. They took weapons from the armory, freed pisioners, removed the cannon and took gun powder. This storming of the Bastille became a symbol of the revolution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    The National Assembly adoptd te Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, which was inspired by the American Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the English Bill of Rights. This gave basic liberties to the people and said that all frenchmen will be citizens under one law.
  • March to Versailles

    March to Versailles
    Thousands of Women gathered in the streets demanding bread for their families. They walked to Versailles armed with broom sticks, pitchforks, swords, and muskets. The women met with Louis XVI and demanded him to move the government to Paris to show his support of the National Assembly.
  • A New Constitution

    A New Constitution
    The National Assembly completed a new constitution which set up a limited monarchy. There would still be a king, but a Legislative Assembly would make the laws.
  • Paris Commune

    Paris Commune
    The Paris commune, a radical politicial group, organisze a mob and attacked the royal palace and Legislative Assembly. They took the king captive and forced the Legislative Assembly to suspend the monarchy and call for a National Convention.
  • Abolished Monarchy

    Abolished Monarchy
    The National Conventions first major step was to abolish the monarchy and establsh a French Republic. Except that was as far as the members could agree. They soon split up into factions over the fate of the king. The Mountian convienced the National Convention to pass a decree condeming the king to death. On Jan. 21st Louis XVI was beheaded on the guillotine.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Led by Robespierre. The Committee of Public Saftey took control to defend France from foreign and domestic threats. Those who were opposed to the revolution were executed, Close to 40,000 people were killed.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    The moderates were back in power. The Directory was unable to find a solution to the country's continuing economic problems. They relied on the military to keep its power.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    A sudden overthow of teh government led by general Napoleon Bonapate, topples the Directory. He took power.